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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
You trotted through the Everwind Fields, but somehow something felt out of place. "[H/N], are you okay?" Concern was showing in your voice and [H/N] slowed his her/pace down. "Yes deary, why do you ask?"

You let out an irritated sigh. "You're walk is really tensed up today and you watch the whole enviroment around you as if--" [H/N] cut you off by saying "I just admire the surroundings, is that so bad?" The tone in his/her voice showed that something was obviously wrong, you just needed to find out what it was.

You stopped [H/N] and dismounted him/her, walking in front of him/her. "You can't tell me everything's alright my dear companion. Just tell me what's wrong" You began to slowly stroke [H/N]'s nustrils and his/her tensed up body relaxed a bit. He/She closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth and tenderness of your touch.

"I'm scared..." [H/N] said with a whisper. You stopped stroking him/her and looked at the horse in front of you with a puzzled expression. "Scared of what?" [H/N] opened his/her eyes and looked at you with worry in his/her eyes. "Scared of what Darko might do to you."

You thought for a moment what he/she could mean when your little rescue act came into your mind. You shook your head and looked back at your concerned horse. "[H/N], I promise I won't let him hurt me or any of the others." You gave him/her a small kiss on the forehead. "They won't get us alive"

[H/N] let out a soft breath he/she was holding and nodded. You mounted him/her and the two of you galloped off once more.

--Time Skip--

It's afternoon and you were done measuring the runestones in Silverglade and Golden Hills as punishment for missing the druid meeting. Fortunately [H/N] calmed down during the process.

You were currently resting at the Silversong River beneath the bridge that connected Nilmers Highland and the Harvest Counties.

[H/N] was playing at the water, being happy like foal. You whistled him/her over, deciding to destroy his/her good mood for no apparent reason.

"What is it deary?" [H/N] asked in a happy tone. "Let's go see Ydris" you innocently smiled. His/Her face dropped immediatly "Not with me" [H/N] scoffed. "Okay, as you wish~" you plainly answered in an annoying childish voice.

You turned around and walked towards the way leading to Ydris tent. This action got [H/N] by surprise, leaving him/her staring after you a few seconds.

Once he/she caught himself/herself again, he/she cantered up to you. "[Y/N], what has gotten into you deary?" You stopped walking and turned to face [H/N]. "What do you mean?" You asked. "You've been acting really weird lately. Usally you would never walk away like that and--"

"I'm just getting fed up by your arrogant attitude!" You snapped back, your voice slightly raised. "Can't you just leave him and me be?! Or am I not allowed to feel happy?!"

[H/N] just stood there in shock and disbelief. He/She doesn't understand anything anymore. What's up with his/her normally lovely rider? Why does she has such strong mood swings? [H/N] just watched his beloved rider turn around and leaving.

"You could go to DarkCore with that attitude." [H/N] murmured. Your head snapped back at your horse in one sudden motion and an appalled and pissed off "Excuse me?" escaped your lips.

[H/N], however, just exhaled harsh and abruptly then proceeded to walk up to you.

The whole walk to Ydris was tensed up and silent.

Once Ydris' wagon was in view, you could already see Ydris standing outside. Just as predicted. What is he doing there anyways? Why is he standing there like every fucking day, not moving an inch?

"Ydris!" You shouted to get his attention. His head turned towards you and he insantly started smiling. You started to run into his direction and soon pulled him into a tight, loving hug. This only earned a low chuckle from Ydris. He hugged you back just as tight and placed a small kiss on your head.

[H/N] wordlessly trotted past you and Ydris in order to get to Zee. You felt guilt and remorse slightly creeping into your chest, but shaked this feelings off.

Ydris pulled away, getting you out of your thoughts back into reality. He looked at your neck and a smile spread across the face "A feather for a dove~" He quoted himself. You let out a light giggle and looked up at Ydris. "It's really beautiful, thank you so much"

"Anything for you ma chérie~"

|~[H/N] POV~|

The whole walk to this disgusting purple goblin was tensed up and quiet. But one thing was for sure: we both were thinking about the fight.

I truly care about [Y/N] and I'm really worried about her. Not only because of Ydris, but mainly because of her current mental state. She would easily snap or lose her temper. She just acts so... dark compared to three weeks ago. But I also have the odd feeling that she's hiding something from me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when [Y/N] started running, her beautiful, flawless hair softly blowing behind her. She ran up to Ydris and pulled him into a hug. I felt disgusted when I saw him hugging her back with his filthy hands. I let a loathsome snort escape my nustrils, but made sure it's quiet enough to not let [Y/N] hear it.

I swallowed these feelings with pain and trotted past them without saying anything, since I don't want [Y/N] to get even madder. Zee was standing a bit further away and I trotted over to her, hoping to find distraction so I don't freak out.

Neverless, I still kept an eye on my rider. I don't trust the guy she's with. She and Ydris talked along and eventually disappeared into the wagon. My worry grew, but she's right at one point. Nothing ever happened to her in that wagon and that's the only thing that reassured me a slight bit.

--Time Skip--

It was evening and I found myself getting lost in thoughts again. I'm still wondering why [Y/N] is being that way. It's obvious she's stressed, but about what? Could it be the 'special surprise' Darko mentioned? At least that's the only thing I could assume at the moment. There's nothing else logical.




Wait! There is something else!
[A/N] Hey! This chapter is a bit shorter, but I hope you still enjoyed it <3 I decided to work with POV's in the near future so the story gets more varied~

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