|~The Clock Strikes~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
[E/C] - eye color
italic - your thoughts

Long chapter ahead~
You looked at Elizabeth with an anticipant expression. Did they find a solution to the whole situation? Did they find a way to change you back?

--We all know how the Cosmic Clock works, so I'll skip that--

"Do you really think this will work?" Alex asked perplexed and in a slight disbelieving tone. "It's our only chance" Elizabeth explained, a small part of hope in her voice getting replaced by doubt. However, her attention soon turned back to her grandson.

"Luka, please keep an eye on [Y/N]. As soon as midnight comes we'll set into motion." Luka nodded confidently and placed a hand on your warm, golden back. Elizabeth walked towards you and gently stroked your face "Don't worry [Y/N], soon everything will be back to normal"

Little did she know that this will turn the whole world upside down?

--Time Skip--

The day went by painfully slow. It felt like time was going in slow motion or even backwards. But after long, impatient waiting the clock finally struck midnight, announcing the start of your mission.

You saw Linda, Meteor and [H/N] entering the paddock, Nova was also with them. [H/N] had a weird looking thing on his/her back, presumingly the Cosmic Clock Elizabeth talked about. This thing should give me my body back?

"Ready?" Linda asked with confidence and... wait is that... is that hatred in her voice? "As ready as I'll ever be" Luka replied with determination and a fiery spark in his emerald eyes. You let out a loud snort to show that you're more than ready.

All of you galloped off towards Nilmers Highland as adrenaline rushed through your veins like gasoline. Only that this gasoline ignited in the darkest of night and created a fire, impossible to stop. And it's true. Nothing will stop this group from freeing you and Concorde.

As soon as you saw the top of the purple tent you picked up your speed and dashed off in incredible speed. Where was that speed when you needed it anyways?

"[Y/N] not too fast!" You heard [H/N] talking to you in mind. Why can I hear him/her, but he/she can't hear me?

You looked behind and saw that the others were quite far behind. Not that it would still matter, you just reached the meadow. The others soon caught up and the horses were slightly out of breath, same with you.

"[Y/N], save your oxygen, you'll need it later" Linda said as [H/N] let out a snort in agreement.

"Linda, I guess we need that weird potion again" You heard Luka say as your gaze fell upon the circus. It was shielded by a force field familiar to the last one, only that this one was smaller.

Linda shook her head and pointed towards the Cosmic Clock. "This should bring us through Ydris' barrier safely." At the mention of Ydris' name a feeling of sadness and heartbreak overcame you, but you bravely submurged these feelings and continued to glare at the force field, as if your stare would break it.

All of you hesitantly made your way to the shielded entrance. Luka held his hand out and... it worked. It really worked! His hand went through the barrier!

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