|~Last Limits~|

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This kind of text shows what's happening in the void

Note: I changed the name from 'Lilith' to 'Adria'

|~Author POV~|

"You seriously take your time" Adria hissed at a mysterious person who approached her. The only thing she recieved as an answer was a chuckle.

"Getting impatient my dearest Adria?"

The girl pulled her hood down, revealing her nature brown hair and alluring green eyes.

"Cut the bullshit Amber. I hope you have a damn good reason for letting me wait"

Amber's lips twitched into a smirk as Adria's short temper brought a ridiciulious amount of joy to her.

"You should really get ahold of your attitude" She sighed. "Since Darko hasn't arrived yet, we both have to wait." Amber innocently smiled.

"What does the edge lord want now?"

Amber broke into laugher, but soon stopped and held a formal posture again, which fairly confused the evil refelction of [Y/N].

"Your vocabulary is delightful"

Rolling her eyes, Adria turned around to face Darko. She looked up at him and her eyes glared at his with a dead stare.

"Is there something you want to say?" Darko asked, daring her to bite back.

"Actually I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one"

Shocked by her cocky answer, Darko cleared his throat and re-adjusted his posture. He wasn't in the bright mood to verbally fight Adria.

The virus Darko infected [Y/N] with brings out her negative traits and weakens her good, which is the reason she speaks back without hesitation.

"Darko, why did you want us to come to the Forgotten Fields, in the middle of the night?" Amber asked curiously, mainly to prevent Adria from going further.

|~[H/N] POV~|

I kept chasing after [Y/N] and stopped paying attention to where I was running. My eyes only focused on her.

It was until then when I realized something was off. I saw her jumping through the few strands of moonlight fighting their way through the clouds, but I couldn't see any colors on her body, nor a shadow on the ground.

All of a sudden [Y/N] dissolved into smoke! I harshly stopped and stared at the air in disbelief.

Once my thoughts were somewhat clear again, I started to look around, trying to find out where I am.

"Greendale..." I muttered to myself. The shortest way back is by walking through Nilmers Highland, but the last thing I want to see is the circus. At worst Ydris is standing outside and I don't want to see this sadistic man's face ever again.

"[H/N]!" A female voice echoed through the leafes. I turned and saw Lisa and Starshine running towards me.

|~Author POV~|

Relief washing over Lisa upon seeing [H/N] well and unhurt, she and Starshine swiftly made their way to the obviously confused horse. Linda and Alex soon caught up as well.

"God, you scared us to death" Lisa exclaimed as she elegantly glided down Starshine's back and approached [H/N], carefully gripping onto his/her halter and stroking his/her nustrils.

"Great. We have the horse. Can we go back now, I'm tired" Alex yawned as she streched herself on Tin-Can's back.

Linda shot her a rather warning look. "Alex..." She murmured quietly. Alex just shrugged her shoulders and looked at Lisa and [H/N] again.

|~Complicated~| Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now