|~A Dove's Rehearsal~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
Ydris was standing in the center of the ring, facing you. An evil smirk was spread across his face and you felt your heart sink. What is he up to...?

"I've been awaiting you [Y/N]" he spoke. The tone in his voice was dark and cold and the expression on his face held pure spitefulness. Your heart was beating twice it's normal speed, with love and hatred the same time. Pearls of sweat built up on your forehead and your feelings got worse with every second passed. All of a sudden the horses came running through the curtains.

[H/N] stormed over to you. He/She obviously noticed your shaken up and frightened mood. "No need to fear, I'm right here my dear" He/She tried to reassure you.

"Madames et Monsieures! The show you've all been waiting for is about to begin!" Ydris shouted with powerful and wicked voice. You jumped at the sudden loudness, you didn't expect it.

"You could have had front row tickets, but you just had to come and spoil the surprise!" Sharp and disgusted words rolled off of his tounge like venom as he glared at you with fire in his eyes. It felt like a stab in your heart to hear him talking to you like that.

[H/N] lightly nudged your shoulder. That's when you realized you were showing too emotions. They were controlling you. They were giving him a feeling of control.

"Release Concorde! NOW!" You shouted with fury in your voice to cover up how you were truly feeling. You were going to try to fight fire with fire.

Unsmart move.

"The Fantastic Flying Foal? But his place is right here, in the centre of the ring~" Ydris evily cooed as smirked at you. You clenched your fists tightly, so tightly that they were starting to shake.

You were stood in between Luka and Linda. Luka took ahold of one of your fists to calm you down, at least for a bit.

"Please we need him..." Linda begged. "He's a special horse and belongs to a friend of-"

"Tell me about this... friend" Ydris interrupted intrigued, yet he never let Luka out of his full sight.

Linda took a deep breath and began speaking "Her name's Anne... she's really brave and needs our help... She's trapped in a terrible place that's called-"

"A terrible place?" Ydris cut her off, disgust and hatred filling his voice and features. "A TERRIBLE PLACE?!" He repeated with raised voice. "Tell me, what's so terrible about... PANDORIA?!"

You all let out gasps and Luka grabbed your wrist, pulling you behind him to protect you from any outbursts from Ydris.

"Don't you realize? Pandoria is home of a great evil that threatens to destroy our world! The power you're playing with is way more dangerous than you can imagine!" Linda tried to explain to him.

Ydris, however, keenly eyed her as if she was the biggest idiot in the world.

"The great evil you're talking about was banished to MY home! And you would call US terrible?!" Ydris spat as he started to laugh maniacally.

You freed yourself from Luka's grasp and turned to Linda, who was highly aware of Ydris' danger. You placed a hand on her shoulder and softly smiled at her to reassure her that everything will be alright.

"But you're right with one thing. The curtains must fall on your world so that my home might survive." Ydris spoke in a sharp, yet a little softer tone. You clenched your jaw in frustration as you watched the man in front of you. Why is he doing this to you? Why has he changed so abruptly?

"I won't repeat myself. Release. Concorde. Now." You spoke in a dark, almost threatening tone as your features became stern and cold again. If you really have to choose between him and your friends, you'd always choose your friends, no matter how much it would hurt.

Ydris looked taken aback, even surprised. But soon he bursted into maniacal laughter again, which earned a snarl from you.

"[Y/N], I beg you, be careful" Linda whispered. She turned her attention back to Ydris and spoke "What are you going to do with us?" Her voice was cautious.

"This is a circus, is it not? LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU!" Ydris shouted as his mouth twisted in a devilish smirk. He started to approach you and [H/N] lightly bit your shirt, pulling you back to keep distance between you and Ydris.

"Forgive me, my sweet. I promise this won't hurt... much"

With the snap of his fingers everything around your vision turned pitch black.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, for one showing only, the Amazing Ydris will present you a horse race like no other!" You heard Ydris announce. His words sounded dimmed and drowned, or like he was far away.

"Let me present you: Charlotte! Stephanie! Chloé! Loretta! And last but not least... our beautiful [Y/N]!" Within one second your vision became normal again, but nothing felt normal anymore. You looked down to see that you've been transformed into a golden Lusitano.

Is this man insane?! And he transformed the Bobcat Girls too?!

You reared in front of Ydris with insane fear and fury. He just kept eyeing you up and down with a wicked smirk.

"[Y/N]?!" Linda and Luka shouted in unison as their eyes widened.

"Whoever wins my race can become human again. The others shall remain as horses forever, so get comfortable in your bodies~" Ydris informed with a mock in his voice. Does he even care about you after all? "What is this? A new challenger approaches!"

A purple draft horse with pink cracks on it's legs came galloping towards you.

Zee? What is going on here?

"Voilá! Behold her true colors!" Ydris exclaimed in admiration. "Now, let the race begin!"

--Time Skip--

The race was horrible. Dodging balls fired out of canons, pole bending between flames, balancing on a giant ball... definitely enough adventure to fill the next 5 years. And I thought Darko was insane!

Relief washed over you as you saw the finish line. All of a sudden the burning and stinging pain on your side returned, but this time way worse than the last two times.

You to neighed in extrem pain and you stumbled over your hooves, crashing down into the dirt. You desperatly tried to get up as panic and adrenaline rushed through your veins, but your attempts failed.

Once you managed to get up, Zee came dashing past you. You instantly picked up your own speed too, but the tremendous pain in your side held you back. It was impossible to get her. You watched inhorror as Zee ran through the finish line first.


A bright flash consumed your vision and you felt yourself hitting the cold ground again. Your head was spinning. What happened? The attempt to open your eyes barely succeeded, but through the blur you saw people talking. Only that all you heard was silence.

|~Author POV~|

[Y/N] was laying motionless on the floor, breathing heavily and salvia was flowing out her mouth. Panic broke loose. Luka, Linda and the horses ran over to [Y/N]. They talked to her but got no response.

Luka lightly slapped [Y/N]'s cheek a few times and [H/N] nipped her mane, both trying to prevent her from passing out completely and trying to bring her back around.

|~Complicated~| Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now