Evan chapter 3

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As I opened my door there stood delirious.

He was beautiful that's all I could say. His beautiful striking blue eyes just looked back into mine. His Carmel skin that looked perfect. It was like a nice angelic glow around his body...

Wait wait wait I don't like Jonathan... no wait yes I do. u

Ugh this is so confusing. What am I going to do.

"Hi Jonathan" I said as I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Hello Evan" delirious says.

"Come in" I said as I gestured him inside. As he walked inside I just melted. I was kind of embarrassed that I didn't clean my house.

As he walked inside and examined my video setup. He ran his fingers against my keyboard and the screen flickered on.

" I was wondering if we could go to the ice rink" delirious said. "You know your second home you Canadian " that was his second nickname for me.

His laugh ringed in my ears.

"Sure.. oh and shut up! I'm not the one from North Carolina." As I said as I

joined his laughing.

( A/N) no hate to anyone from North Carolina I recently just went and it was amazing)

Okay guys I'm going to stop here I'm going to post delirious POV tomorrow. Thank you so much for the support. I'm sorry if I make evan sound like a sappy girl.

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