Canada Im here

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Hey guys it's me again! I need to have a quick talk to you guys… I have a lot of presentations this week so I'm going to try my best to try and post as often as I can, but I have to study as well but just for a reminder that the chapters maybe shortened so don't hate me for that.

So this chapter maybe be upsetting but I wanted to say that Jonathan was in a dream this entire time he's been in Canada. I’m doing this because I want Jonathan and Evan to get that click again and I want them to have that awkward hi I missed you moment.

So I hope you enjoy and here is the next chapter!

Jonathan's POV

I was so happy in my dream, I felt like i was in real life. I wish I could be there. I woke up to Daithi shaking me back-and-forth. And yell at me that ‘we are going to base our flight to Canada’ but that really woke me up out of my dream. ‘this is real life’ I thought to myself. I was going to see Evan again, I was going back to The life I have Evan, And I was going to go back to the place where it all began. I would do anything to go back to normal. As if this entire thing never happened! We would all go and play Garrys mod, laugh all night, and stay up till past 2 in the morning! And eat at midnight eating pizza joking around. Everything was going to go great! And nothing was going to get in my way.

Finally when reality kicked back in, I jumped up out of my seat and grabbed Frank's leash and his carrier threw him in the car. I took Noglas and my things and put them in the trunk. I started the car, it was still dark outside but I didn't care I was going to airport no matter what anyone said.

"Slow down their Jonathan" Nogla said, “We still have three hours." I looked at him and glared 

"Don't ever do that again” I said angrily but he knew I was joking.

"Well since we were close to the airport. Let’s get something to eat.” He said Cheerfully. “ Don’t give me that look at me like that Jonathan. I know you haven’t been eating.” Nogla whinnied; I just rolled my eyes at him.

“Your ridiculous” I said. I made a left turn into the McDonalds. I guess the breakfast menu hadn’t been changed. Even though it’s fucking 12 am!

I ordered food for nogla and I. Nut I just seemed to pick at him. It didn’t look as appetizing as I thought it would.

To my rescue Marcel called me. “ Hello” I spoke into the phone.

“ hey bud Marcy here. How are you? Is nogla with you? Or is he being a lazy fuck like usual!” I heard marcel laugh in the back round. Then I heard Mini.

“ Cut him some slack Marcy. He’s probably peeling some potato’s.”

I heard at mini laugh to. I looked at Daithi and notice he had a handful of fries sticking out side of his mouth.

I started smiling than started laughing. I couldn’t stop laughing and my side began to hurt. I felt tears roll down my face.

All the boys got quiet after they heard my laugh. Nogla looked startled then a small smile crept on his face.

“ Your laughing Jon” Nogla said. My heart stopped for a second. “ What’s wrong did I do something?” Nogla said getting serious.

“ Evan calls me Jon,” I said getting blue again.

“ Way to Fucking go Daithi” wildcat said.

Then all of them said it after him.

I don’t know why but I just started laughing. This isn’t like me. Well lately of course. I haven’t felt this happy in a while. I guess I missed this. I missed laughing, I missed joking, I miss feeling like I fit in. Everything seems to be getting back to normal. But the one puzzle piece that was missing was Evan. I just need him to make me laugh and ill be happy again.

“ Come on boys! Be nice. Ill sees you guys on our connecting flight to Minnesota. Daithi and I have to go we don’t want to miss our flight.”

“bye Jonathan bye potato man” they all said in unison

“ Come on Daithi we don’t want to miss our flight.”

I said cheerfully.

“ No we don’t Jonathan No we don’t.” he said throwing out the food.

We arrived at the airport and we were walking to our flight when I remembered my dream. Evan had yelled about frank fur coat. I stopped Nogla as I bought, Frank some Booties and this warm ass coat if I may I say. Another reason why we were going to Canada was because of the snow. Some of the boys wanted a white Christmas. We had planned this along time ago. The Evan this was just a thing we could when we got there. But for me this trip wasn’t to spend time with the boys it was spend time with Evan.

We had got on our flight and everything was going into place.

*** TIME SKIP***

When we had landed we had searched for the boys hoping we could all spend time with each other before the flight. I recognized the back of wildcat’s head because he was so freakishly tall. They were all huddled around Marcel.

“What’s wrong with him.” I said as I looked at marcel shaking and mumbling things under his breathe. He looked like he was crazy.

“ I’m not going on that death trap ever again.” Marcel had said shaking even more. (PANDA IS GOING TO BE COMING WITH THEM AND 407 BECAUSE I LOVE THEM AND THEIR Q AND A WITH TYLER IS THE SHIT)

Remember how I said that I wasn’t going to let nothing get in my way well this is what happened

I graved the scruff of marcel collar. “ Listen you little bitch you are not ruining this for me! We are fucking going on that motherfucking plane.” The boys had to push me back so that I didn’t kill him.

Frank had actually growled a bit. What a good dog I thought to myself.


*** TIME SKIP***

we finally got on the plane and we were all excited. Little to say we were the best passengers. We were the plane clown ( get it class clown) we finally landed in Canada and my heart stopped…

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