I guess were in the same boat frank..

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Hey guys sorry for not posting in two days but I'm back and ready.

This will be a short but sad chapter.

It has been two months since Jonathan been out. He laid in bed and looked pale. He had wires connected to him. And everyday I cried hoping that one day He'd wake up. That I'll be able to see his blue eyes and he tell me that he loved me. The doctor said that he was in a coma and that he wouldn't wake up in 3-4 months.

Lui was the first one here. He told me he would stay here with me for as long as it takes. I went home once to introduce Frank to lui. But Frank didn't care. He was as sad as I was.

After the second week of delirious being at the hospital all of our friends from around the world were here in one room. They're here for you Jonathan so why not you wake up.

I held his hand began to cry again. Daithi (Nogla) put his hand on my shoulder. " why won't he wake up daithi?" I said crying squeezing jons hand.

" Evan go home. Take a nap, eat something. Will call you if he anything happenes Alright." He said shaking me. " lui take him home." He said lui graved me and took me to Jonathan's house. I walked in the house and graved Frank. I packed myself a sandwich and made Frank one too, I then put it in a basket. " can you get the beer" I asked Frank. He seemed to understand what I said. I graved his leash and led him outside. We sat right on the shore line.

I packed my laptop and put on one of Jonathan's videos. I took out franks sandwich and mines too. I opened a beer and clicked on Jonathan's q&a about his dog.

None of us seemed to touch our sandwiches. To be honest nothing was the same. I had slightly laughed when Jonathan had said that Frank was scared of storms. I looked up to see that we were surrounded by dark purple clouds I wend inside to find a big umbrella and walked back to where Frank was. I placed down the umbrella and opened it up.

Frank didn't seem to care if was raining. He just seemed happy to hear Jonathan's voice. As I was. I had got a call from Daithi saying the doctor had checked on delirious but I didn't care I just wanted him awake. I had heard thunder and saw lightning and I decided to pack up our un eaten sandwiches and go inside. All of a sudden Frank dashed I tried running after him but the storm was crazy I couldn't see anything I went inside to see a soaked Frank of the floor. I felt bad. I felt like I was all he had and he was all I had. We were in this together.

I decided to give Frank a bath. After I finished drying him. I walked into the hall to see Jonathan's room door closed. It hadn't been open since Jonathan had left. I was about to open it when I heard Frank whimper and nudge me.

" I have to open it! I miss him" I said staring into his eyes. I opened it a little, a little bit of Jonathan's sent escaped. I felt like breaking. I walked into the room To see Jonathan suit case unpacked. I picked it up and went to living room.

When I opened it the first thing I saw was his blue hoodie. I remember when he had worn this when I picked him up from the airport. I had my red hoodie to match his. It was his favorite hoodie. I saw Frank sniff and start to make crying sounds. I know buddy I know...

This was going to be the first night I've ever slept in Jonathan's house and he's not even here. I went into the guest room and slept. I had Frank on my side. And for the first time in the past two months I didn't cry myself to sleep.

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