Everything was perfect.

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Hey guys I might have to be posting late and shorting up the stories cause I got my test back and I practically almost failed it so I really need to study.

Okay so by the way Jonathan has nothing. Nothing wrong with him. He fainted because of dehydration and he hit his head putting him in a coma. Okay now back to the story. :)

Evans pov

I decided to start spending more time with Frank. He's really not as bad as I thought he would but he's actually really cool.

We play frisbee and go on runs which really keeps me in shape. There are some days that Jonathan doesn't cross my mind. But I'm still in love

With him. He's my world. But I feel like he wouldn't want me to be sad.

Frank and I usually have our dinners on the beach and watch delirious videos. Then we go to sleep. Everything would be perfect if Jonathan would wake up and be here with us.

Daithi pov

" guys evan hasn't came over in a while has he?" I said looking around at everyone.

" yeah he hasn't he's been with Jonathan's dog" lui said. " hey delirious I think Evan broke up with you and started dating your dog." Lui said to Jonathan. We all had been used to Jonathan being asleep that we rack jokes if he can hear us.

"Lui for once i think your right.. I think Evans really after your dog." Wildcat said in a joking matter.

"...Evan...." We heard someone whisper. We all stayed quiet.

" did any of u say anything." I said serious to our whole group of friends.

" no we thought it was you." Wildcat said. Than we all looked to our left to see Jonathan moving in his bed.

".. Evan... Frank... Canadian... Bull...shit.." Jonathan said he started opening his eyes.

" quickly someone get the nurse" everyone dashed out. I kept pushing the nurse button. Finally 4 nurses came in checking delirious.

" what's going on" delirious said groggily.

"Nothing man lets just say Evans going to be happy as hell when I call him. " I said squeezing delirious hand. I quickly called Evan.

Evans pov.

My phone ranged and I picked it up.

" hello?" I said into the phone

"Evan it's Jonathan." It's was Jonathan. He sounded weak.

" Jo-Jonathan is that really you." I said. Tears began to roll down that cheek.

"Hey I woke up to tell you something." He said laughing.

"What is it" I said running out the door and getting into my car.

" STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM FRANK HES MY BITCH!" He yelled into the phone I heard laughing in the background. I looked down at my keys and there hung a picture of Frank and I.

" who told you?" I said into the phone.

" hey I'll be there in 5 minutes. I love you Jonathan..." I said afraid that he slip into the coma and I would never get to tell him.

" I love you too evan.." He said than I hung up.

OKAY! I'm not going to do that thing were the author will make evan get in a car crash and get in a coma or die. Cause I'm not that kind of bitch. I would honestly saved you the trouble of writing that Jonathan forgot who evan was. But like I said I'm not that kind of bitch.

I had arrived to the hospital in less that 10 minutes cause I was driving like a maniac. I finally made it to the doors and ran up 5 flight of stairs and when I got to his room. Everyone was crowded around his bed. Daithi turned around and said

" Evan I'm sorry you missed him... Marcel.... Just took him to the food court." I went up to Jonathan's bed seeing that they were playing poker.

Damn assholes got me worried. I ran back downstairs, saw Jonathan in a seat and Marcel was laughing. I got jealous cause one my boyfriend and two MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND.

I went up to Marcel and threw him across the table. I picked Jonathan up and kissed him. It had been forever since I kissed his lips. His eyes had widen but I just stared into them. I missed his blue eyes, I missed his lips, I missed his touch, but most of all I missed him. He was my world.

Jonathan's pov.

Guys it's honestly 3 word...


Okay now Evans pov.

Everything was perfect. I graved him and hugged him. Afraid that I was going to loose him again. Into the darkness. My darkness.

Tears threatened my eyes. I saw daithi help Marcel up. Everyone was laughing at Marcel.

I looked at Jonathan..

" hey what's wrong Evan." He said as he caressed my cheek.

" nothing wrong. Everything perfect now." I said hugging him again.

Everything's perfect now....

Okay guys gtg study. Bye and thank you so much guys.

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