Theres nothing good in goodbye

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Jonathan POV

The doctors let me go a couple days later. I honestly didn't care I was just happy to go home... And do stuff... I wasn't as worried as I thought about the boys seeing me.

If they see me and think I'm okay, than my whole 3 subscribers are going to be okay to. Oh god I can't wait to see what they're Going to say. I was holding Evans hand on the way home. Life was complete till I actually got home. Evan sat down on the couch and patted Frank to come sit next to him. Evan turned on the tv and started playing xbox. apparently he got comfortable to make his own avatar. not to mention my house was a fuckkng mess!

Yup okay going back into a coma fuck this shit! But to be honest I rather be here with a messy house and lazy evan than be with Channing Tatum on beach looking sexy as hell.... Actually no take that back I rather be with Channing.

I started to clean the house up.

Jesus we have no food I thought as I opened the pantry and refrigerator. What ever I'll just clean up. as I finished cleaning I looked up at evan...

"Babe we need to go grocery shopping." I said walking towards him. he didn't look me in the eye but just looked down. He didn't respond and I really thought something was wrong. "Nvm I'll be back" I said grabbing the keys and went outside. I got into the car and just drove.

Evans pov

I don't know why I didn't respond to Jon. When he called me babe it just felt wrong. A wrong I couldn't explain. I felt like I was in shock. I'm really pissed that I didn't say anything. Why didn't I go with him! he just got out of a comma and here comes boyfriend evan to save the day.

I called Lui, I needed help.

Lui: hey evan whats up!

Evan: nothing but something happened with delirious...

Lui: what did he slip into a comma again!

Evan: no of course not... but something wrong.

Lui: what? Why did you call him delirious? we don't call eachother that unless we're gaming?

Evan: that's it. I can't look him in the eye when he talks to me! he called me babe and it felt wrong. he went grocery shopping and he tried to invite me but I didn't do anything and he got mad and left. Lui I don't know what's wrong with me!

Lui: damn Evan I don't even know. Wait what do you mean it felt wrong when he called you babe? don't you love Jon?

Evan: I don't know man I really don't know. Hey I got to go. I'll call you tomorrow okay...

Lui: sure Evan bye.

Evan: bye...

When I hung up I knew what to do.. I went to my room and packed my bag and called a cab... I'm going home.. I said as I bought a ticket back to Canada..

The cab honked and I looked back at the house "I'm sorry delirious" I said as I got into the car.

Jon pov

I know what going to happen, this has happened to me before. Evan going to break up with me! oh god I hope I'm wrong... I said as I put the groceries in the back of my car.

I finally got home.. Everything was picked up but I knew something was wrong. I dropped the groceries on the table.

"Evan" I called out. My voice seemed to echo through the walls. tears began to swell in my eyes I thought as I ran into his room. It was all tidied up. Nothing was there In his room. Everything was gone... All that laid back in his room was a cashmere scarf with red and white stripes and little red balls hung from the end of the scarf.

I sunk to the floor as I hugged my knees. Everything was perfect and it all came crumbling down in a heart beat.

" goodbye Evan" I said as the words echoed through The rooms.

My phone buzzed it was a notification on Twitter it was from Evan..

"I'm sorry" it said a tear rolled down my cheek and landed on my phone.

"I'm sorry to" I said as I through my phone at the wall. That was the first time I cried myself to sleep.

It has been a month since I've heard from Evan. Today I was going to make my face reveal video.

I turned on my camera and looked into it. "Hi guys I'm Jonathan but you may know me as my gamer tag H2O Delirious and this is my face reveal." I went on answering q/a questions. one question had said' what's with you Evan?' I looked down than back up it took me a while to answer.. "Nothing" I said as I turned off the camera. I uploaded my video and instantly got views but I ignored them. I started to cry and cry. I looked out my window and saw a nice sunset. I opened the door and was about to take a step out when all the memories came flooding back.

"No I won't got out there!" I whispered. What happened! He was fine at the cafeteria when we were at the hospital. how could we date for 3 weeks and a guy like him affect me this much! "whatever" I said as Turned on my xbox. I logged in and got a invite to noglas Xbox party. I put on my headset and excepted. "Hey Jon" I heard nogla say.

"So you were saying Evan." I quickly heard Marcel say.

I heard Evan stutter.

"Jonathan I'm so sorr-" I heard him say but I logged off before he could finish his sentence. I started cry. I should of known that he would be on. Stupid Jonathan! you always loose people! I thought as I cried.

Evan pov

It had been a month since I've been home and there's not a day where I don't think of Jon. Mo saw that he uploaded a new video. it was a face. Reveal.. I looked at him and smiled. then a frown, I missed him so much but I didn't do anything about it. It got close to the end where someone asked a question about me. I saw him look at down at his fingers, he finally looked up, it seemed like it was so hard for him speak. "nothing" I heard him say then the video ended.

I was sad for the rest of the day. I finally logged on to Xbox and was hanging with our group. than all of sudden I heard Nogla say " hey jon"

The marcel said something but I didn't care. I had to hear him.

"Jonathan I'm so sorry I should of never done that" I yelled into my microphone but he had logged out before I got to finish my sentence.

It was quiet for a long time.

"What was that about"Noglas asked. I told him everything and I could tell he was mad. "are you serious evan you did that to him! he just woke up from a coma and you left him! you didn't say anything to him you just left!" Nogla screamed at me! he left the party. all the guys were upset to as they yelled at me. They all left I just cried for a real long time. I missed him, it was all my mistake!

" WHAT SO GOOD ABOUT GOODBYE" I yelled. As tears rolled down my face.

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