Ice Rink

711 19 14

Jonathan Pov:

Comic-Con was over and everyone returned to their houses and countries. It was December 13, and I had bought everyone of my friend's gifts for Christmas... Even, Evan though were not friends I wanted him to have it. I still watched Evans videos... And his last video he had said he was going to focus more on hockey and less on YouTube... Now I was getting paranoid... When I heard it I scheduled one plane ticket to Canada... I'm flying out Monday Morning which is tomorrow.. And I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. Daithi was going to come with me. He was flying here today and should land in two hours... I'm taking Frank with me... He has been acting depressed in a way and I thought he must have missed Evan...

God I know I did... But I don't know what I'm going to do when we get there... I don't know how I'm going to bump into him... I don't know if he's moved on and that's why he's ending YouTube... There are so many questions... But tomorrow every one of our group members... Like Terrorizer, Daithi, Marcel, Tyler, and Craig are all meeting in Canada to see Evan?

They've notice my change in mood the past couple days... I've always been thinking now a days... not saying much, not eating, not sleeping, staying inside mostly. I feel like I'm not even me anymore... I can consider myself depressed. I was now pacing, also again I've noticed I've been doing that a lot lately ... I looked in the mirror. My short dark hair was now long, just barely passing over my eyebrows. I had on a plaid blue shirt, and dark skinny jeans, and grey beanie, with a pair of gray vans. I looked okay... But when I looked up I was startled to see my ocean blue eyes. They looked lifeless... Almost... Dead. People have said that my eyes are the bluest eyes they have ever seen. So... Alive. So energetic... Now they look dead. Living in a hot area I would be tan... But no I'm pale... I look as if I'm mourning. (A/N THIS MAY BE THE LAST CHAPTER... IM PRETTY SURE NO ONE WANTS TO READ THE STORY CAUSE IVE BORED YOU ALL. SORRY)

I've feel like time is passing way too fast... I would be lying in my bed and it is 10:30 and then I would stare at the ceiling then it would be 4 in the morning... I had sat down in my car then I looked up and I was at the airport. Not sure how I got here but if didn't care. Nogla was in my car and started talking to me. My lips would move but I couldn't hear anything. When we got home. I through my keys in a small bowl... I looked at Frank and he looked at me. He didn't even bother to get up. He just laid down. I went to my room completely forgetting Nogla... I looked up and stared at the ceiling. After hours I got up because my stomach grumbled. I walked down the stairs but then stopped when i heard someone talking... I stopped and listened closely.

" Guys he's got it bad... He doesn't even seem to be alive!" He said but I recognized the thick Irish accent. It was Nogla.

" He's got it bad... We hardly even talked! When he did it didn't even make sense to what we were talking about. When we arrived to his house he walked into his room and laid down and starred at the ceiling... I thought he needed space so I let it be. So then it got to five hours and I checked on him and he hasn't moved an inch... He looks so tired... So dead... I don't know... I really think he misses Evan... I wonder what happened when Evan found Delirious? Delirious didn't say anything about it... I'm worried... he's seems to be like a robot with no emotion...Listen guys I got to go text me I think he's awake.... See you tomorrow." Daithi exited the Skype call and just waited. I made it sound like was walking down the stairs and I finally got off and met him in the living room.

" You heard that didn't you Delirious... What's wrong?" he said concerned but I looked at him.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was so frustrated. This wasn't fair. I wanted to tell him how I felt, what I thought, that I couldn't breath... that there was so much happening in my life... I wanted to tell him that I couldn't move... Even if my life depended on it, instead a whimper came out of my mouth... Then followed but a crying.

" Oh Jon what happened to you..." he said as he held me.. But I didn't want to be in his arms... I wanted to be in Evans...

All I remembered was that day when Evan and I had sex and I said to him that 'I'll be the death of you' and he said "that's okay I rather die with you being the reason why." I remember that he chuckled after I said that.. I remember everything... "No Evan! I rather have you be the reason that I die." I screamed in my head... Thinking that Nogla would hear it. Everything was hurting now. My head was screaming... Images of Evan popped inside my head... he was killing me... This is how I died. I thought to myself. This is how I died... thinking of Evan would be the perfect way to go... but than I stopped crying... I stopped shaking. I some how stopped the screaming in my head. It all ended and I finally calmed down. I was fine.

" There you go bud... All better now" Daithi said as he let go of me.

I wiped the tears off my face... " It was Evan. That why I've been crying... I haven't been eating nor sleeping. I don't know what I'm doing anymore... I cant breath... The day seems to be passing so fast... I can't move even if my life depended on it. I think I'm dying Daithi I really think I am." I said really fast...

Daithi seemed to understand and he slowly nodded as he took it all in... He opened his bag and took out two pills... and graved me a glass of water... he handed them to me... I didn't even question the act. I swallowed the pills and of course slowly but surely I fell asleep.

When I awoke up I felt a bit better... But a gust of cold of wind blew at my face. I shivered and graved the blanket. I opened my eyes to notice that I wasn't in my bed.. Actually a matter of fact I wasn't in my house... I surveyed the room and the dots all seemed to connect. It was Evans room... I was in his house... confused on how I got here I was startled when a male figure entered the room.

"Finally you woke up... I was begging to worry that you would never wake up... Come on get change were meeting the boys in ten." Evan said as he walked over and kissed my lips.

I kissed back but hungrily and rough.. I grabbed him and kissed him all over. Savoring every moment that if this was a dream that I wouldn't have to forget the feeling of his body and his smell..

He pulled back... "Damn Nogla drugged you didn't he" he said as he kissed me again.

" god I missed you" I whispered into his ear..

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