Vanoss You Fucker

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Jonathan's Pov:

the birds were chirping. The cold air hit me, starting to pull me away from my dream. But i remembered the song the birds sang as sun showered into the room and hit my face. I could hear the soft snores behind me. Gently a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from the sun. 

" go back to sleep" Evan whispered, into my back. I could feel his fingers trace gently on my thighs leaving smooth soft circles. I didn't want to though, but the circles were to comforting that they seemed to almost slip me back into the dreams. I pulled away so fast, i felt myself get dizzy a little. Evan just moaned and swear in what seemed to be french. 'revenir à l'amour de lit, je ne peux pas dormir sans vous ici à mes côtés' he murmured into my ear.

" what" i said puzzled pulling me back. His eyes were still closed as he spoke to me. " it means come back to bed love, i cant sleep without you here by my side." he said as he attempted to grab my hands to pull me back into his arms. 

"aww thats so sweet." i said letting him pull me back into his arms. once i was in his arms, he pulled the white Duvet over us as we cuddled for what felt like an hour. I finally got tired of laying in bed.

" evan let me go." i said as i struggled to get out of his grasp which seem to be impossible. I squirmed in his grasp, " seriously Evan let me go" i said in a aggravated tone. He still refused to, so i thought of the only thing i could think of. " okay fine you win evan.' I said as i sighed and exhaled dramatically. I turned my self so that i was facing him. I began to play with ends of his shirt for what felt like five minutes. My hand had slipped into his shirt. I started to trace the outline of his abs. I felt him shiver, i began trace lower until i was the hem of his pants. I played with the elastics, i looked at him, his eyes were still closed but i could see the curiosity brewing as he folded his eyebrows as i pulled on the bottoms slightly taking them off. My hand touched his cock, i could feel it harden when i began to touch him. I tapped the tips slightly and he jumped pulling his arms to the side. i was free i let go of his cock and get out of bed. " IM FREE" I screamed as i danced around the room. i saw evan tip his head back. "fuck" he whispered. into the cool air.

"Its Christmas Eve Bitch, Time To Wake Up Motherfucker" i said as i smiled at him.

His head still tipped back he began to laugh to. " Same To You To Fucker" he said chuckling.

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