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Rose POV ...

I wake up to my phone ringing, I groan and pick up.

Me:Who's calling me?

Ruby:Meet me at Beth's house.

Me:Why? What's up?

Ruby:Just get here Recks.

Me:Alright. Be there in 10.

Ruby:Were you sleep?


Ruby:Its 6 in the afternoon.

Me:Aye work kept me up.


I groan and get up. I get into the shower washing and drying off, I slip my clothes on, slip my gun into my pants and slip on my jacket. I grab my car keys and walk out with a box of fruit snacks in hand.

At Beth's House...

By the time I walk in the house my fruit snacks are gone and I hear the girls talking. I lock the door and walk to see the women sitting around with some drinks, I drop down next to my big sister and greet everyone.

Me:So what's up housewives? Why did Ruby call her screw up of a sister?

Annie:Don't feel bad they always call me so they can feel good.

Me:*laughing* Seriously what's up? Need a hook up or something? Why are there masks and fake guns on the table?

Annie:How do you know that they are fake?

Me:The nozzle of the gun. Real guns aren't like that.

Beth:How do you know?

Me:*Chuckles* Beth my nick name is Reckless for a reason, what's up?

Ruby:*sighs* We are robbing the Fine and Frugal.

Me:...Ok? Why you call me?

Ruby:You've done this before.


Annie:We need and want your help.

Me:Why yo job tho?

Annie:I know where the safe is and that's the place with the least amount of security.

Me:Alright, But I don't think that's a good idea.

Beth:Come on, please?

Me:Fine...When we doing this?

Ruby:In a few minutes.

Me:Order a pizza and rent a movie.


Me:Time stamps and leave your phones, the towers ping off your location.

Annie:Ok! Let's get that pizza!

I get up and go back to my car getting a pair of black jogging pants and a jacket. I walk in and slip those on and see them ready.

Me: Got everything?


Me:Cool let's go.

I walk towards the car I'm guessing Annie's I get in the back and drive towards the store.

At The Store

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