Who Knows

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Rose POV…

Me: You still haven't explained to me why I have to do this, these are your charity case not mine. The FBI are on their trail and your training them to shoot?!

He looks at me and smirks I just glare at him, he licks his lips and starts to talk.

Rio:I know what I'm doing.

Me:And that is?

Rio: You trust me?


He looks shocked but nods.

Rio:Ok, wrong question to ask at the moment... Do you believe in me?

Me:I'll bite sure Rio I trust you, I believe in you what's in that big ass head of yours? What's the master plan?

Rio:How long did it take you to get shooting down?

Me:Week at tops half a week.

Rio:Ok now how to actually clean everything up without leaving a trace?

Me:Months. What are you getting at?

Rio:What's the difference between you and those three?

Me: Everything. I grew up in a shady place and was exposed to more than them.

Rio: Exactly and your still doing it making you even better they are just getting started, they can't even hold a gun long enough in one hand without it shaking.

Me:Your setting them up.

Rio:In a way. Now trust me it's all going to go as planned.

Me:It better. I gotta pick up my niece and nephew.

Rio:Gimme a kiss goodbye.

Me:Go kiss the bitch you made us get out of the bed for because she was crying.


I grab my stuff and leave out slamming the door. I get into my car and call Ruby.

Ruby:Hey you on your way?

Me:Yea make sure they are dressed correctly.

Ruby:I got you. Do they need money?

Me:Really? Why would they need money? Just have them with their bodies and an appetite and good socks

Ruby: Alright.

I hang up and drive to ruby's house seeing the kids and her standing outside. I get out and the kids run to me hugging me.

Me:Damn lil money is yo head growing boy?

He stops smiling and side glares at me I laugh and he hugs me and he gets into the car Sara behind him. Ruby comes to me and hug her.

Me:Your best friend got you into some shit again. Go talk to her.

I turn and get into the car. I smile at the kids and start to car pulling off.

Me:Who knows how to roller blade?

They yell out in happiness and I laugh.

Time Skip…

As I sit with Ruby chips in my hand wine in hers.

Me:I'm getting tired of you guys well, your best friend anyway. She got kids and a husband she needs to be worried about rather than this bullshit. I'll get Boomer handled but you I'm gonna tell you this, your husband has started to be your husband again don't fuck this up because of your best friend who has a thirst for danger. Annie should not be in this shit because she's already dealing with child custody they will revoke her visitation completely if you guys are caught, Stan will be questioned whether he did anything to jeopardize this long ass case against Rio, your kids will be questioned, Beth's, and Annie's do you realize how real this shit has been since the beginning?

Ruby:What about you? Your a mother now, your in the same boat as us.

Me:*laughs*You, wish I was in the same boat as you guys, I haven't done anything, I told you I was getting out of that mess and I did, the only thing I'll get caught with is doing doctor things without a complete license. And I'm not running a business.

She looks at me like a ghost has just slapped her I shake my head and get up.

Me:Keep on listening to bitches who don't know shit. Your gonna lose everything.

I get up and leave getting into my car I go to target to get some things for me and the baby and some things for poppy. Then I pick something up to eat and go home. Rio sitting on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and dish out my food and sit down my phone in hand. Soon he comes to me and sits in front of me.

Rio:Can we talk about this morning?

Me:*smirks*What's to talk about? I said what I said, you said what you said. End of discussion. Nothing crazy was said nothing was threatened no problems.

Rio:So you don't remember when you said go kiss the bitch you made us get out of the bed for because she was crying? Because I do.

Me:Was I lying? Rio we were about to have sex and someone calls you telling you she's putting up a fucking stop sign you make me get out of bed and watch her. Then fix her hair and shit who does that? That's like me getting up when your kissing on me and I stop us make you get up and go with me to see why Anthony is mad... If we weren't so close. and even then I still wouldn't have dragged you out with me just to cuddle someone who has a significant other. Now are we done with this conversation.

He leans back his lips pressed tightly together and leans back into the chair his hands pressed to the island.

Rio:That didn't sound like a question.

Me:Because it wasn't. Are we done?

Rio:You still haven't forgiven me have you?

Me:*grins*What makes you think that babe?

Rio:*chuckles* What can I do to make it up to you?

Me:Nothing *smirks*Because if you can't think of anything, You don't want to make it up. Now please go home.

He sighs and gets up tapping the counter.

Me:Oh, and I said home not to no married woman's house.

He nods and walks out. I sigh and continue to eat. I text Anthony and Michael to come over so I can have someone to rant to and Michael comes Anthony's girlfriend is sick.

Me:I seriously do not understand what the hell is going on with my life right now.

Michael:Told you he wasn't worth it.

Me:*sighs*Yea for once you were right.

Michael:You regret anything?

Me:Nah, everything played out nicely and hey if we break up, I'll still have a little human who will love me unconditionally and vise versa. So if my friends get arrested for Rio it's not my fault, if they lose everything they have worked for and risked everything for, it's not my problem.

Michael:What if you get caught up?

Me:What do they have on me? I haven't done anything, they've did every thing, I just know they did it.

Michael:I guess.

Me:I know, though.

He laughs and rubs my head. I lay on his shoulder.

Me:Why couldn't we have just finished school?

Michael:Because we got fast money and stayed with it.

Me:Yea but if we did stay...

Michael:Nice ass pent house, Anthony married who knows.

Me:Yea who knows...

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