Emotions Are For Children

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Ruby POV…

I lay in bed with Stan watching TV as he talks about his day, the TV long forgotten and Stan taking up 50% of my attention the other still thinking about Boomer.

Stan:Seriously like why would you sign your name on the body? Sick bastard.

Me:Hella sick, I'm just glad you guys caught him.

Soon my phone goes off I frown and get up walking to the dresser it's a hospital what? I pick up.

Me: Hello?

Lady:Hello, is this Ruby Johnson? Sister of Rose Johnson?

Me:Yes! Is she okay?!

Lady:I'm sorry to say but Ms.Johnson has been in a accident. You were on her first contact list.

Me:We'll be on our way right now!

I hang up and run to get my shoes and keys Stan behind me grabbing our jackets I call Beth and ask her to come get Sara and Harry. We get in the car and I pull off Stan finally gets to me.

Me:Rose is in the hospital! I don't know what happened they didn't say.

He gasps and I speed through the empty streets to the city streets and to the hospital I get out and run to the counter.

Me:Rose Anne Johnson?

The types something and nods writing on two sticker things and give them to us and tell us what waiting room we should go to on her floor.

Once we get to the floor the nurse at the desk tells us to go into the waiting room and someone will be out to tell us something once something is known. I sit down, Stan sitting next to me rubbing his hands I keep my tears at bay because for all I know She is just having her son 3 months earlier. Or she ate some olives(I'm really allergic to Olives strange ik lol)

Stan:Do you think you know what happened? Could have happened?

Me:No she was with Anthony and Michael today. Let me call them actually.

I grab my phone and call Michael and he picks up automatically and I tell him what's wrong he says he'll be here in 5 minutes. I hang up and Stan grabs my hand and kisses it.

Stan:Do you have her boyfriend's number?

Me:No, and that's the last person I want here.

He looks at me in confusion and I tell him I'll tell him later. I close my eyes and pray for her and my nephew.

9 Hours Later…

It's the middle of the next day a doctor finally comes in and greets us, Annie came this morning after getting Sadie to school, Stan went to work.

Doctor:Family of Rose  Johnson?

We nod and get up he sighs and looks at us each in the eye. He looks directly at me probably telling I'm her sister.

Doctor:We were able to stabilize her, but due to where and how far the man stabbed her he hit the baby, he unfortunately did not make it. She is can still have children.

Anthony:Did the police find who did it?

Doctor:He was in the living room two bullets one in his back the other in his head... He died at the scene.

Me:Can we see her?

Doctor:She is sleep and may wake up tomorrow but one person can stay with her and one in the hall.

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