I Cheated Death And Now He Wants A Divorce

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Rose POV

I wake up to my TV making a crash sound I jump up and grab my gun walking to the front, Rio would have woke me up before turning on the TV. I slowly walk inside the living room and see someone sitting on the couch.

Me:Why are you in my fucking house?

Malik:Damn baby, no hello kiss? Hug? How's lil man?

I cock my gun and he jumps up turning to me, I laugh and try to keep my tears at bay. Baby tonight is not the night to start  mommy's mood swings.

He walks to me and I step back. He grins.

Malik:Rosey you getting soft baby, the old you would have been shot me. Twice in the head three in the stomach. You prefer overkill.

I glare at him trying to clear the tears flooding my eyes making him into a blob.

Me:Why are you here?! Why can't I just go on with my life?! I'm happy you seem happy with your new life! Leave me alone I'm trying to close everything from the past off!

He laughs and when I raise to wipe my eyes I see him move but not seeing what he does... Before I could move my hand I feel him stabbing me in the stomach, I scream out and drop to the ground. He laughs but I steady my arm and shoot him but due to the shaking I shoot his lower back instead of his head. He falls down crying I get up slowly and walk towards him and shoot him again in the head. I drop to the ground and crawl into my room for my phone I call 911 and tell them where I am and I lay down on the ground I pray for my son to be OK, I don't know how I'll be able to cope if he doesn't make it. Even if I don't he should. He deserves it more than me.

Me:*whispers* please God, please let my baby make it through this shit, I-I can't can't make it if he doesn't. Please lord I pray to you my father who are in heaven, please with your strength and mercy please if necessary trade my life for my baby's he doesn't deserve to suffer because of my dumb choices.

I cough for the last time as the blood pours from my lips. I feel the hot tears pour from my eyes mixing with the blood on my cold skin.

Before I can actually catch up with my thoughts I'm up breath caught in my throat it seems like I can only breath in but not out. I feel someone touch me I jump up hitting their hands away. I see Rio when did he get here?! He gets up standing in front of me I just stare at the tattoos on his neck. Ringing in my ears. He pulls me to him and I cling to him. I suddenly I'm able to hear him talk.

Rio:It's Okay, mama it's okay Rose. I'm right here, breath.

He wipes my tears as I sit on his lap. I hug him tightly, he starts to softly run his hands over my stomach but I slap his hand away and get up he follows me as I run to throw up. I brush my teeth and go sit in the tub letting the coldness of it soak into my body. Rio sits next to me on the floor next to the tub, holding my hand.

Rio:Wanna talk about it?

Rio POV...

She just sits and looks to the mirror in the bathroom. Damn, this shit is really getting to her worse than I thought.

Me:Baby, you gotta talk to me. I want to help but I can't if you don't tell me.

She looks at me then down licking her lips she looks at our hands and takes a deep breath.

Rose:Do you think about that night? Like...

Me:Absolutely, I think about it every day and night, It's my fault we lost him and now I have to see you go through this shit and you don't deserve it.

She looks at me and I see the tears in her eyes I get up and get in behind her and she hugs me. I just hold her as she cries.

Rose:*whimpers*I just want my baby Rio. Why did he have to die and not me?!

Me:I don't know baby but I know that you would have been a great mom and are a great mom to poppy. A great Aunt to Harry and Sara, baby you are so sweet and beautiful with kids it's amazing and that bitch fucked up our life when he took our son but that doesn't mean that you can't have more, it may be scary but I'll be here and so will everyone else.

She nods and I get up picking her up and go to bed and she lays on my chest I kiss her forehead.

Me:I love you Rose.

Rose:I love you too Rio.

Me:How much?

Rose:To Hell.

Me:And Back?

Rose:Nah, I think you'd look sexy all sweaty, dirty with black wings.

Me:Oh really? *laughs*


I hug her tighter to me and she kisses my chest. Damn, I was so close to finally having a child of my own and some bastard took him and almost my girlfriend. I thought that it wasn't affecting her so much but I guess it has been. She smiles and cracks jokes in the day and just cries at night. And I was being a asshole not being there for her when she absolutely needed it.

I don't plan on being tied to anyone but I wouldn't mind being tied to her forever. Seeing her smile and her having us up all night talking and laughing then complain when we have to get up the next morning, how she'll blast music while cooking then try to talk over it until it bugs her and just turns it off completely. How she wants to be good but she loves to hold a gun and mess with crazy people. She loves her family but acts like she's on the fence with them. How her slick ass mouth would make the most calmest and peaceful person almost kill her or pull their hair out.


Rose:*sleepily* Yes?

Me:Will you marry me one day?

Rose:Yeah. Now sleep.

The only female I know who will choose sleep over talking about a promise to be married or a proposal and just say yeah. Yeah, I love this girl for sure.

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