It's Only Business?

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Leo in mm
Rose POV...

I sit in the back of Anthony's car while Michael sits in the front we are heading to someone he wanted me to meet who wanted to be apart of our team and so here we are. He says he's good people and very good with alot of dealings and handles. I play on my phone as Anthony and Michael fight over who got better aim.

Me:Are we almost there?

Anthony:Yea he doesn't live too far out.

Me:Alright. Why does he trust us to meet at his house?

Anthony:Trust me, he's a very down to earth person.

I nod and soon he makes a random left turn then we pull up to a large ass house and it's guards around walking around three walks to us.

Anthony:Rose Johnson...

The men look at me and I wave, they nod to each other and point to the edge of the driveway and once Ant pulls up completely we get out. I get out fixing my dress and the men walk behind me one on my side.

Man:Mr.Carter has been waiting for you...


Man:He says he sees endless possibilities working with you Ms. Johnson.


We walk to the back part of the house, I think and he opens the door to a large library. I instantly fall in love. The men walk us inside and close the door I walk to a wall and read some of the titles.

Me:We have to make my spare room in the loft like this I love the set up.

Then I hear a smooth voice, deep voice.

Mr. Carter:I figured a woman like you would love this room. Nice to finally meet you Ms. Johnson, Anthony, Michael.

I turn and see a tall, dark and handsome type man come from the second floor of the library and I have to blink a couple of times. I'm in a relationship and pregnant. I'm in a relationship and pregnant. I smile and nod looking around.

Me:You were correct, I'm a big fan of literature.

Mr. Carter:Favorite Author?

Me:Yvonne Woon. Not a famous one but a very great one. A underdog.

Mr. Carter:The maker of the Dead Beautiful trilogy? I love it.

Me:You've heard? Good to find men who are interested in literature.

He smiles and points to a seat then sits after me, he smiles and its honestly beautiful. I smile back. Okay this is business and you love Rio.

Mr. Carter:If Anthony here hasn't already told you, I'm hoping we can work together. He also mentioned that you want to keep a eye on everything but still want to keep a separate life for your son. I have a proposition for you.

I nod and face myself towards him showing that I'm interested. His grin gets slightly wider and he sits straighter.

Me:And that is? Because Mr. Carter I will not be in anything else that needs cleaning up.

Mr. Carter:Please call me Leo, and anything I am opening up to anyone is already in top top shape Ms. Johnson.

Me:Well call me Rose, and okay, but you still haven't told me the propostion.

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