A Veiw From The Top

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Rose POV…

I lay on my couch sweat still covering my body. I huff and get up wincing that the pain from that cardio ending. I limp to the bathroom and shower getting ready to meet up with the trio. I get dressed and slip on a jumpsuit and boots, grabbing my gun and keys limping out of the door and to my car.

At The Boland House...

Beth:He lost all of it?

Annie:Oh yeah. All gone. So this is for you, remember her? And for you and for you.

Me:You realize robbing the same exact store will get you either jail time or a bullet in your head right?

Ruby:We are not robbing another store.

Beth:Or any little old ladies...

She talks about a check cashing store I cackle as Ruby almost tries to strangle her.

Annie:Or we can stiff the gang... Do you guys know what happens when they need to dump your body in an oil drum? They soak you in Lye and they make you into soup. Then the cops can't tell if you used to be a human or large dog.

Beth:That's really not necessary.

Annie:Well, actually it is cause oil drums are real small.

Ruby:We pay them back in full by stiffing the secret shoppers.

Beth:We can't do that.

Ruby:Atleast we don't end up in an oil drum.

Beth:No, just prison when they report us for fraud.

Annie:And that would cause for us to dip back in our profits and that would leave us back where we started.

Beth:I am not going back there.

Annie:Me either.

Me:I mean nobody said that you had to do it straight from the books. You got the recipe do you really need to rebuy everything? Gotta go.

I get up and start to limp to the door but Ruby and Annie stopping me.

Annie:Are you ok?

Ruby:Yea why are you limping?


Annie:The gym has you limping?

Me:Yea I did a lot of cardio and muscle gaining exercises. I'm good.



Ruby:Is he hitting you?!


Annie:Are you in a domestic dispute?

Me:With who?


Me:What would I be fighting him?

Annie:Or is he fighting you?

Me:*laughs* Man y'all watch too much life time... No Rio isn't beating on me. He's actually really sweet and gentle with me. Relax if he was hitting me you wouldn't need to worry about this.

Ruby:Come on take off the jumpsuit.


Ruby:Show us atleast me.

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