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Roses gun but imagine it's rose gold

Rose POV…

Me:What do you mean things aren't going smoothly? It's been going smoothly for 6years Micheal I'm not understanding.

Michael:I know but since the FBI been here people ain't been wanting to get caught up.

Me:*sighs* Alright, cease everything and just stock up alright? Nobody makes a move until I hear something k?

Michael:Got it boss. Good to see you.

Me:Like wise Mikey... Oh! I need you to check on something for me ok?


Me:I don't need it now but I will later so keep up with your phone.

Michael:Got chu.

I lean back and sigh, Annie calling me I pick up.

Me:What's up Ann?

Annie:Can you come buy Beth's house?

Me:Sure for what?

Annie:For voice of reason.

Me:Alright here I come.

I grab my stuff and leave out and head her house. I get a text message from Rio.

Rio De Janeiro: Eddie's been picked up and your little agent has him.

Me:He's talking?

Rio De Janeiro:Don't know about to set up a trial.

Me:Alright just let me know.

Rio De Janeiro:I got you baby. Stay safe.

Me: You too😘

I toss my phone to the other seat and speed up.

At Beth's House…

Ruby:How long?

Beth: I don't know

Annie:Like a week?

Beth: I don't know.

Ruby:What do you know Rose?

Me: Nothing but I told my men to shut everything down too.

Ruby:If you had to guess.

Me:months, a year if it's really bad.

Beth:Six months?

Ruby:Six months!

Beth:I don't know. When are we gonna put a man on Mars?

Annie:Couple of years, tops. I just feel like we're close you know?

Ruby just stared at her for a second and I keep in my snicker. She turns to Beth.

Ruby:What are we going to do about the secret shoppers?

Me:Damn I forgot you had them. Better make a fake letter and send it to all of them.

Beth:We tell them that corporate's revamping the program.

Annie:Yeah ok I guess I'd buy that.

Ruby:And what about our friendly neighborhood blackmailer up our ass?

Me:We told y'all to let us handle it.

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