Pick Your Poison

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Rose POV…

Leo dropped me off at the storage unit promising me to a dinner later and he let's me out I hug and kiss his cheek him doing the same. I see Beth, Ruby and Annie looking at me I walk to them  smiling.

Me:What's up? Another body? Dirty money?

Beth looks at me and we follow into the place and to a unit she opens it and Ruby and Annie look on with amazement. I just chuckle and lean against the side. They go to it feeling on it.


Beth: Yeah

Ruby: And he doesn't want a cut?


Me:You sure? What where his exact words to you?

She looks to the money in Annie's hand her tougue glides across the back of her teeth. She's about to lie.

Beth:That we can have it.


Ruby:How much?


Me:I give it a heavy amount of hundreds mills.

Beth:So, I'm thinking we just wash a little, right? Just to dig us out.

Annie: How long?

That's the Golden question!


Annie:How long have you had this?

Beth:Not that long.

Ruby:This right here...

My poor sister...

Annie:So, you just--you weren't gonna tell us, or?

Ruby:This is 20 grand.

Beth:Well, I'm telling you now.

Annie:Yeah, now that you're in trouble.

Beth:Are you serious right now?

Annie:*imitating Beth* Are you serious right now?

Me:Gotta agree, Dean slow ass fucked up now all of a sudden we're hearing about this money. When usually we hear about it the same time as you. If not later.

Ruby:Wouldn't you have heard about it first? This is 60 G's right here.

Me:I don't do business with Rio when dealing with you three anymore.

Beth:There's no point I tried counting it for weeks.

Op Annie about to go off. And Rio see something in this broad I'd slap him in the ear.

Annie:Hold up. Did you just say weeks?

Beth:I was trying to protect you.

Me:And how was that? She's 29 and trying to protect her isn't bringing her along to dump a body of the little old lady she's close with grandson. Or how about putting her in this mess anyway. Or let's do the start of this bull shit. You wanting to rob the fucking store your little sister works at!. But hey what do I know.

Annie:From what? Being rich and happy?

Beth:We got this by killing a man.

Me:No you didn't and you didn't kill him.

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