You Have Reached the Voicemail of Leslie Peterson

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Malik Young ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Rose POV…

Me:Poppy wanna go to the park love?


Me:Ok go put on your shoes.

He nods and goes to his room I slip on my purse and glasses, Poppy runs to me I smile and we leave out.

Once we get to the park I sit on the bench as I see him run around with some kids I smile. But it's wiped off of my face as someone sits next to me. I go into my purse and grip my gun.

Me:Why the fuck are near me?

Malik:This is cute, you playing mommy to his son while carrying the other. It's funny because aren't you the one who said you weren't ever having kids?

Me:Nah I said with you I was never having kids.

Malik:Oh so having it with twig was the best choice?

Me:Very much so, he's a sweet guy when it comes to me.

Malik:*laughs* That's it? Wow you really fell off the wagon once you left.

Me:Nah not really I upgraded from a squeaky ass wagon to a smooth as Benz, he claims his kids, takes care of business, gets his shit handled while still having time for his family.

Malik:So I didn't take care of you?

Me:Nope. What do you want? I don't want anything to do with you get away.

Malik: I have a business proposal.

Me:Not interested.

Malik:*laughs*You actually think you have a choice.

Me: Because I do, what part of get away do you not understand? Get over it your a grown ass man stalking me.

Malik:*chuckles*Alright. See you soon Rosey.

Dumb ass nickname. I pull my hand from my purse my phone and the number of agent Jimmy and I call, he picks up.

Jimmy: Agent Turner.

I put on a act and start to talk.

Me:*stuttering* He-HeHello agent Turner? It-It-Its Rose, you know-

Jimmy:With the Malik Young case I remember what's wrong?

Me:*sniffles*He-He he came and sat next to me at the park while I was with my son, he wants me to come back to him. He says he has a business proposal.

Jimmy:Alright, is he gone?


Jimmy: Alright, well when you get a chance I need you to come to the station.

Me: Can we meet somewhere? I don't want him catching me walking inside of there.

Jimmy:Of course Rose.

Me:Thank you

Jimmy:No thank you, call me when you want to meet.

I say ok and hang up I see Poppy run to me I smile and looks at him he grabs my hand I stand up.

Poppy:Can you push me on the swing?

Me:Of course pops come on.

I walk with him to the swings and we get him in the air. He giggles and laughs.

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