Then Get Even

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Rose POV…

I walk to my door and see Rio leaning against the door.

Me:Oh so you finally decided to spare some time for your girlfriend or once was girlfriend.

Rio:You serious right now?

Me:Yeah or did you forget about you not coming to the hospital to see about your supposed girlfriend that you loved and your first son? Because I didn't and I'm not for a long time. Excuse me I have to get ready for work.

He moves to the side and I open the door he comes in and closes the door.

Rio:I wanted to be there but something came up.

Before I can catch myself I end up throwing a vase full of roses his way. Hitting him in the side.

Me:Are you fucking serious! My fucking life was at risk! Your sons life was at risk! You got a call saying your pregant girlfriend was fighting for her and fucking sons life and all that you can say is that you wanted to be there but something came up?! *chuckles* Ite bet, you know? I would never take you for that type of man but I mean hey you going around entertaining house wives that want to be bad. You probably fucking her and I wouldn't be shocked if you were.

Rio:And if I was? You think I ain't notice you and Ole boy looking and smiling at each other?! How you kissed his cheek and the lil roses he been sending here with the lil notes in the cards?

Me:And if I was even looking at him in that way would I be wrong?! Atleast he was at the hospital with me holding me when I needed him those nights crying over the fucking son I lost alone! Where were you that night?! Huh?! You said you and poppy was coming to my house! It was 12 or some shit why did you have your son out that late? If you had your son? You worried about the wrong shit I should put a bullet through yo head for this shit. But that's it I'm done. I have a job I'm actually enjoying life before the night hits and I'm attacked with nightmares and guess what? Nobody is there to hold me as I mourn over my fucking son! My first son I lost! It was my fucking fault because I was drowning in tears! I moved my hand from my stomach! But you know who I also blame?! My fucking boyfriend who was supposed to be there with me with his fucking son! Do you know how crazy I feel when I sit alone for too long in my thoughts?! And guess what? I have to deal with this shit by myself. Get out!

Rio:No, because just like you I'm hurt I lost a son, I'm in even more pain because I couldn't say goodbye to him or you if it was your last moment on this earth. I do love you I love him to! And I'll be damned if you make seem like I don't!! I can't be here to hold you at night because I can't look you in the fucking eye because of my dumb ass mistake! I can't sleep because of the thought of you dealing with that shit alone keeps me up I haven't sleep a full six hours straight in weeks! Let alone six hours in a week! Now poppy is concerned for you and his little brother asking if he's gonna see you again and I don't know what to tell him! I don't know what to think because every time I let my mind wander I'm thinking about how you dealt with that bastard. Alone! How you had to find out you lost our son. Without me. But I do know that I love you and I know you love me too even with my screw ups. Right now we really need each other.

I laugh, no I fucking cackle at this man. He really thinks I still love him after this? He can get killed for all I care I'll probably kiss the killer thank you. Just then Leo walks through the door with a food bag in hand he frowns as he sees my tear stained face and Rio standing across from me with tears in his eyes. He walks to me and I hug him he automatically hugs me back.

Leonardo:Are you OK? Talk to me Nala.

I couldn't help the giggle that escape my mouth at that nickname. I look up at him and he wipes my eyes and cheeks smiling at me with that bright, sexy ass smile. I do a closed lipped one and nod. I lay my head on his chest and look at Rio his fist clenched.

Me:Leo, meet Rio my baby's father. Rio meet Leo my work partner slash cuddle buddy.

Leo looks at Rio from his nose and Rio does the same. I roll my eyes and pull away from him his hand on my waist.

Me:Act civilized while I go change for work.

Leonardo:Take your time.

I nod and walk away but not after looking at Rio he looks at me but not how he used to. Maybe he really is feeling the pain of it all. I turn on my heel and leave to my room.

Rio POV...

I stand watching the man who's been around my girl for these past couple of weeks. Already got a nickname for her and all, have her comfortable touching her so close. She wouldn't let me touch her until a month into us dating or talking and he's hugging her and holding her waist. He obviously ain't all that or she would have said it. Rose ain't never been one to lie. Not like she owes me any loyalty. I walk to the living room and sit down he just turns and walks to the kitchen and leans against the counter unbuttoning his suit jacket.

Me:So what? My girl working Inna suit and tie type business now?

Leo:Yes Ms. Johnson is working in a professional business but it still allows her to do what she loves.

Me:Oh and you know what that is?

Leo:Of course, she still gets to help injured people and be actively apart of her crew and still get clean legit money.

Me:Oh and what about you? How does your crew like her?

Leo:Like anyone who's met Ms. Johnson, they love her. Most from just hearing her laugh. She's quite the woman.

Me:Yeah I'm glad to say that's all mine.

I notice his eyebrow raise and a slick grin raise I clench my jaw and sit back. I'm a kill this son of a bitch.

Leo:Well I must say you are very lucky to have such a great woman on your arm.

Just then she comes out dressed she smiles and moves her hair behind her ear and walks to me and I stand up. She touches my arm.

Rose:We'll talk later yeah?

Me:You look amazing mama.

Rose:Thanks Rio.

I nod and she kisses my cheek and turns to the dude who grabs her hand twirling her around she giggles as he pulls her close his hand on her lower back and they leave out, before they get out of view he grips her ass and she giggles he kisses her temple he looks back and grins waving goodbye. I feel my anger rise to a whole other level.

Me:I gotta kill that bitch.

Rose POV…

Once I'm in Leonardo car I hit his chest giggling, he has a devilish grin on his face.

Me:You are no good.

He looks at me with a innocent confused face then he smirks.

Leo:I have no idea what you are saying rose.

Me:Sure. So that lil grip and smirk thrown at him after wasn't anything?

Leo:*shrugs* I think you should give him another chance.

Me:Nope I'm done.

Leo:He regrets it.

Me:Doesn't regret his cheating.

Leo:Nobody said that you had to forgive him so quickly. Start over.

Me:I'll see but I don't just forgive I get even so unless you have some wise man advice for me...

Leo:Then get even.

I turn sideways and look at him up and down slowly he looks at me from the corner of his eye and chuckles. Just then my phone bings.

Annie:Meet us at that storage unit me and Greg put our stuff in.

Me:I have work.

Annie:Ok call me when you get off.


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