Slow Down, Children At Play

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Rose POV…

I sit on my balcony watching the stars that aren't covered by the lights. I huff and look at the fruit bowl in my hand I put it on the table and lean my head back. I hear the slide door open I roll my eyes.

Me:What do you what Rio?


I turn around and smile at him and clear my eyes. He walks and stands in front of me I tap the seat next to me he sits down, I hand him the bowl and he grabs a piece of watermelon.

Me:Bad dream?

Poppy:No, I've been up for a while.

Me:*sighs* You heard us?

Poppy:I woke up when the door slammed.

Me:*sighs* baby I'm so sorry.

Why the hell am I apologizing to the man's son like I did something wrong?

Poppy:It's fine, grown ups sometimes need to yell to make their point.

Me:Yeah*sighs* and sometimes that doesn't even work. Why did you stay in your room for so long?

Poppy:I was nervous.

I sigh and look at him I get down on my knee and grab his hand.

Me:Poppy let me tell you something, OK?


Me:Any time your around me? You never have to be nervous ok? No matter what. When you think that feeling is coming on you can call me OK? Any negative feelings you can depend on me to fix OK?

Poppy:What about my daddy?

Me:What about him? It's the same. No matter what.

Poppy:Are you OK? You are crying.

Me:I'm fine babes, your little brother makes me cry a lot.


Me:Want to go back to sleep?


Me:Alright let's go.

We get up and walk to the house and close the doors locking it and going to his room. I turn on the TV and I tell him goodnight and walk into my room, I see Rio up and with his hands on his head. I roll my eyes and walk to the bed taking off my slides and getting into bed.

Rio:I'm sorry.

I roll my eyes and close them trying to go to sleep.


Me:Once this child is out of me? You better hide better than you do from the cops.

Rio:I'm sorry.

Me:Sure... But I only take one apology from everyone. And your at negitve one with me.

Rio:I understand that... If you want me to give you space I will.

Me:Now your putting words in my mouth? Wow, you really are a different man than I thought.

Rio:Ok can you talk to me? Instead of this?

Me:No goodnight, I rather let you fuck yourself with your own regrets and guilt. If you have any.

Rio:You know I do. I don't tell random people I love them, hell I haven't even told that little boy in there that and I've known him since he was born. And for me to tell you that and mean it? I'm literally in this with everything in me.

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