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Rose POV…

As I take the hoodie off for the doctor to do the ultrasound, Rio holding my shoes from when I did the height and weight check. I sit on the bed and kick my feet poppy sitting on my phone watching something on YouTube.

Me:I need to go to the loft when we leave here.

Rio:Why? I thought you put Anthony and Michael in charge until lil man gets here?

Me:I'm not working Anthony needs me to check out something.

Rio:Alright. This fall Poppy is going to be enrolled in school.

Me:Awww, well at least he's bright enough and prepared.

He nods and looks at him. I smile.

Rio:Yea, he says he's really excited about it.

Me:Are you?


Me:Are you ready? A lot of the times it's the parents not prepared for the kids to grow.

Rio:Hell yeah.

Me:Hmmh sure,  don't let September get here and you got a lil funky attitude because he's gone for half the day.

Rio :I'm gonna be fine. What you think I'm going to cry?

Me:Yea, or have at least a tear.

Rio:*laughs* I ain't no bitch.

Me:No but you are a punk.

Rio:You lucky your my girl, been saying some slick ass shit lately.

Me:No you lucky you cute or you would have been shot and buried somewhere.

Rio:You believe that?

Me:I know that... You know it too. Is poppy coming with me?

Rio:Want him to?

Me:Where has he been staying when you had to do stuff?

Rio:In another room or in the car.

Me:You can't leave a toddler in the car Rio, it's illegal... Never mind forget it's illegal its not morally right- just don't do it again man damn.

I couldn't just date a fucking doctor? Life would so much better and easier.

Soon the doctor comes in and smiles greeting us.

Doctor Teagan: OK so Ms. Johnson your 26 and half weeks correct?


Doctor :As anything been going on that is concerning to you?

Me:Umm I want to know if I'm  gaining the correct amount of weight for me to be how many months I am?

Doctor:Yes actually you are your actually 4 pounds over and that's perfect by the time he comes you should have gained 25 or pounds more or less. Anymore questions before we see the little guy?

Me:*to Rio*Got a question?

He shakes his head and the doctor nods and tells me to lift my shirt. She does everything and Rio has my phone and is recording for me.

Rio:Is his heart beat supposed to be that fast?

Doctor:That's totally fine... You see his little fingers and toes?

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