Take Off Your Pants

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Rose POV

I sit on the desk reading over some papers when my phone rings. I pick up a it's Beth. What the hell does she want?

Me:Yes Mrs. Boland?

Beth:Can you come check out these cars Rio had brought in?

Me:Uhh, I can’t today sorry. What's wrong with the cars?

Beth: he said that they are for him.

Me:Okay? Do they look weird?

Beth:No they seem clean.

Me:Okay I'll come by sometime this week to check it out okay?

Beth:Ok thank you.

Me:No problem.

I hang up and Leo looks at me I raise my eyebrow and he laughs.


Leo:Why you still helping her?

Me:Cuz if she slips up my sister goes down and so will my brother In law.

Leo:All of this is for your sister?

Me:Yup, she's the one who called, that's the one I help.

He nods and goes back to reading something on his computer...

Next Day...

Ruby:So now we're in the delivery business.

Annie:She's in a fog, man.

Ruby:What the hell is in those cars anyway?

Annie:Dong fog... How come you weren't in this fog Recks?

Me:Because I'm not a desperate house wife looking for anything to make me feel important.

Annie:It's eating her brain.

Ruby:I mean, fake cash, sure.

Annie:Ugh. I can't even stand to watch them together... Sorry Recks.

Me:Girl please I'm not.

Ruby:But what else - - like, guns, people?

Annie:She presents like a baboon.

Why do they have these type of conversations? Like is it a rant that they both listen to but don't add to?

Annie:You know like the flared anus.

Ruby:Never, ever say that word.

Annie:Which-- "flared" or "anus"?

Lord help me...


Just then Beth comes in

Ruby:So what's in the car?


Annie :what do you mean "nothing"?

Beth :I mean, obviously something, but I tore every single one apart.

Ruby:Shady S. O. B

Me:It ain't that deep, maybe he's using them as ships.


Me:Yeah, you trade out after each thing. Or they hold a certain cargo in each.

Beth:*mocking Rio * stay in your lane, I am in my lane.

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