Big Ears

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Rose POV...

Today me and Rio is coming to see, and little Poppy is tagging along. I go into the bathroom and do my morning business and walk through my room to see if poppy is good, he had a hard time going to sleep last night. I walk into the kitchen and pull out the different cereals I have and some bowls I grab honey nut cheerios and just start to eat them plain. I hear the front door opening and see Rio walk in. He walks up and kisses me putting the Tony's diner bag on the table.

Me:I totally forgot you left this morning.

Rio:I figured. How's the lil guys doing?

Me:Good Poppy is still sleep.

Rio:Ok. Hungry? Why are you sitting at the table with all these boxes of cereal out mama?

Me:Was waiting for the two of you. That's why it's three bowls.

Rio:Well I'll put them up.

He grabs them and puts them into the pantry and comes back for the box in my hand taking it away I complain and he just ignored me. Rude ass man.

Rio:Eat something instead of dry cereal.

Me:We were happy with that.

Rio:You two are happy with any food.


He laughs and hands me my food. I hear little litter patter from poppy as he walks in... Why do little kids rub their eyes all the way till they see someone or hear them?

Me:Good morn pops, slept a little better?

He nods and walks towards me and I pick him up holding him in my lap as he lays on me.

Rio:What's up lil man? You hungry?

He shakes his head and just lays there looking at something.

Me:You OK? What's wrong?

He slowly shakes his head and just sighs, I rub his back. I look at Rio in confusion he shrugs his shoulders.

Me:Wanna watch TV?

He shakes his head again, I'm starting to get scared, I press my hand to his forehead and then his stomach he's not hot so he's not sick. I move him and he looks up at me.

Me:What's wrong cutie? You were just smiles and giggles the past few days.

He has tears in his eyes and I hug him to me as he cries.

Poppy:I want my mommy! I miss my mommy!

I coo at him rubbing his back as he cries. I pull him slightly away so he can see my face. I slightly smile.

Me:I know pops, but she's here with you, she's watching you play, smile, run and laugh.

Poppy:Then why can't I see her?!

Me:Because sometimes we can't, it's normal, Sometimes I miss my mommy.

Poppy:Where is she?

Me:My mommy?


Me:She's with the stars in the sky, and sometimes I'd stay up and see if I can see her star.

Poppy:How'd you know that it's hers?

Me:Because when it's a person you love they always stand out amoung the rest. You know what that means?

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