Thelma And Louise

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Rose POV Flashback...

I play wrestle with Mike and Ant until we see see a Cadillac swerving around hitting the trashcans on the street. We watch them brake in front of us. Ruby gets up asking them questions but I just stare until she gets into the car and they drive off.

Ant:Did she just leave you here?

Me:Ehh who cares that means we don't have to ask her for anything when we can just take it.

We all high five and run into our house.

Flashback over...

I sit with Anthony and Michael in my office all of us getting high and just enjoying ourselves.

Mike:Can you believe it's been 24 years we've known each other?

Ant:Yeah it makes me feel old.

Me:Cuz y'all are old. Get used to it.

Ant:Girl shut up. So how's your little boy doing?


Mike:*laughs* He's talking about Rio.

Me:*rolls eyes*He's doing fine Mike. How are you guys doing in the single life?

Mike:For one, fuck you that was harsh. And two it's great because we are on our own without worrying about anyone else.



Soon my phone rings, it's Ruby I look at it then answer.

Ruby:Stan failed the lie detector test.

Me:You serious? Is he one trial?

Ruby:I don't know. And I didn't turn in the board.


Ruby:Because she's my best friend!

Me:Okay? So which one would it be? Your best friend or your family? Because of you go down that's your kids either with me or in the system if they don't go with Stan family.

Ruby:I'll think of something.

Me:I hope you do sis.

I hang up and look at my favorite duo.

Me:She didn't hand it over.


Me:Because she's her best friend.

Ant:*smacks lips*Man I'm snitching on everyone but everyone in this room.

Me:They best friends too nigga.

Ant:We not friends we family it's a difference. We only cover family offer here.

We laugh and keep on until I get a call from Rio.


Rio:Meet me at Elizabeth house.


Rio:Something, her money is gone.

Me:My problem how?

Rio:Just come please?


I hug the guys and leave. I grab my keys and leave to the Boland residence.

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