The Dubby

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Rose POV...

Ruby:Should I do this? Beth is a great friend.

Me:Do whatever you think is best for you. Just don't snitch on me.

Ruby:I would never. Your family.

Me:Great.  But seriously, I've been telling you to get out.

Ruby:I know but it's just crazy, the money was great.

Me:Money I could have easily given you. It's fine though I understand it completely. I gotta go okay?

Ruby:Okay, love you be safe.

Me: Love you too. And you as well I don't have FBI sniffing around me.

I kiss her cheek and walk out and to my bike and drive off to work.

Rio's POV... Time Skip as well

I am waiting in a damn daycare for Beth to come out. And of course she runs out right on time.

Me:What's 50-50 mean to you?

Beth:If this is about the drop-off, I'm doing it in the morning.

Me:50-50 means I'm paying you so damn much I don't have to come and talk you down anymore. At your recitals and swim and the orthodontist and -

Beth:Why do I feel like we keep having this conversation?

Because yo dumbass ain't getting it.

Me:*snaps* You tell me.

Beth:Well let's stop.

And someone just finished. See if she would have just shut up and went she could have been back by now.

Me:See , problem is our customers, they want their drop tonight. See me and you are like FedEx now, right? They sleep, we deliver, cause if we don't, we're gonna hear about it.

Beth:Well, I'm with my family. Why can't you or Rose do it?


Beth:Thank you.

Me:I'll take the 100%.


Me:I'll do your job for you, you take all the personal days you want.

Beth:I'll drop the car off tonight.

Me:Cool. Thanks partner.

She cuts her eyes at me and I turn around and walk off.

By the time I get home I see Rose's car and bike in the driveway, I get out and go inside. She's probably the only woman I know who locks her door. I close the door and walk inside the house and to the kitchen where I hear music coming from. I take my shoes off and go and kiss her cheek. She turns and smiles at me.

I walk into the room and put my stuff away and go to back out to the kitchen and sit down.

Me:How was your day babes?

Rose:Same old, your?

Me:Same shit but your just isn't getting it.

Rose:What happened this time?

Me:She tells me that she'll make the drop in the morning because at the moment she was with her kids.


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