Summer Of The Shark

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Rose POV…

I sit with the girls outside watching the kids.

Ruby:So, we're murders now.

Me:That's I how that works. You don't know if he will kill him.

Ruby:Oh yeah? What would you do if you had someone on the inside snitching and had the chance to keep him quiet?

Me:Depends on what he told em. If he told them just enough to get him free without telling on everything and everyone I'd kick him out, give him some money to start over with.

Ruby:Are you serious?

Me:Yea. Nobodies freedom is more important than mines the only person life I think is more important than mines is a childs.

Annie:Good to know.

Me:Relax ok? He good.

Annie:His name is Eddy. He likes his mom, vintage watches and Mexican food.

We all look at her like she's weird.

Annie:What? I'm just trying to humanize him before we--

Beth:We aren't killing anyone.

Me:You know what's funny though? You guys actually think Rio don't know.

Annie:He knows?

Me:Been knew, we all knew he was caught.

Ruby:Why didn't you say something before we started to go crazy?

Me: Because I wanted to see this.

Ruby:Let me just say... It's one thing to wash fake cash or Rob a grocery store... But there is a line here. And if you cross it, you can't come back.

Me:I'm glad that's just now sticking to your head. I been saying that. But you know. You've already crossed that line sorta too late.

Beth:Then we don't come back.

Me:Here we go.... Hey Beth do you have something for stomach aches? I feel terrible.

Ruby:What's wrong?

Me:This shit been going on for about a month now.

Annie:On your period?

Me:Why would my - you know what? Never mind.

Ruby:Have you had your period?

Me:Yes I have had my period guys I'm not pregnant I'm just having a stomach flu or something. I'm gonna go. See you guys love ya.

Annie:Love ya... When did you start saying that?

Me:Never mind I take it back.

I grab my helmet and walk around the side of the house and to my bike getting on.

At My House…

As soon as my door closes I'm out of my clothes and in my bed curled up. I grab my phone and look up some symptoms. Stomach aches, nausea, fatigue.

Tender, swollen breasts. Early in pregnancy hormonal changes might make your breasts sensitive and sore. The discomfort will likely decrease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to hormonal changes.

Nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, often begins one month after you become pregnant. However, some women feel nausea earlier and some never experience it. While the cause of nausea during pregnancy isn't clear, pregnancy hormones likely play a role.

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