This Land Is Your Land /Hunting Season

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Rose POV...

I sit and watch Rio as he cooks, Poppy leaning into my side as he reads a book outloud to us.

Rio:Your starting to sound like a robot, reread it.

He sighs and I rub his shoulder and grab the book and start to read it. Once I get to the next paragraph I hand it back to him.

Me:Sometimes hearing it outloud helps you to read it better. So try it again.

He nods and starts again, I kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair.

Rio:Pops why don't you go to your room for a second I'll call you when the food is done.

He nods and gets up running into his room. I frown and look to him, he wipes his hands and I lean forward and kiss his lips.

Me:What's up?

Rio:I got my money from Beth...


Rio:She was drunk, left it at her house and we went there...

Me:Okay? What are you trying to tell me Christopher?

He shrugs his shoulders and looks me in the eye.

Rio:She tried to sleep with me.

Me :Did she succeed?


Me:Then I don't care.

Rio:You sure?

Me:Yeah, if I almost shoot you did I?

Rio:Totally different situation.

Me:Wanna test that theory?

I laugh and stand up and walk to him and wrap my arms around his neck he holds my hips and kisses my face, I lean into him with my chin on his chest.

Rio:I love you.

Me:I love you too.

My phone rings on the counter and I lean over and grab it answering it not even looking.

Me:What's up?

Ruby:Can Sara stay with you for the night? She's been really crazy these past few days.

Me:Like what?

Ruby:Snappy, on edge.

Me:So disrespectful?


Me:Yeah send her over. I'll be outside.

Ruby:thank you. And can you meet up with me and Annie tomorrow with Sara?

Me:No problem and sure.

I hang up and look up at Rio.

Me:My neice is coming over for some tough love.

Rio:What's wrong?

Me:My sister's husband got arrested and now the lil girl Wilding.

He chuckles and nods turning back to the food. I go and slip on some slides and go grab my phone to check on Poppy.

Me:Hey babes, wanna come with me downstairs to get my neice?


Me:Okay put on some shoes and a jacket.

He does that and we walk downstairs and to the main floor and I see just in time Sara and ruby come up. Sara gets out and I just look at her. She comes to me with a smile but I keep a straight face with a raised eyebrow.

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