I'd Rather Be Crafting

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Ruby POV…

5 months Earlier…

After my call with Rose I feel like I'm at the end of the a road with knives pushing me further to edge.

I sit in the chair outside of Sara's room...

Once at home…

After I put Harry(They just now saying the lil boy's name) down I walk to the living room, where I see Stan fixing up the couch.

Me:Harry's down. He was making a poster for Sara. But got tired halfway through. It says "welcome ho".

Stan:Hand me those.

I understand he's angry but he's never ignored me to this point. Especially when the kids do something funny. I grab the pillows and walk towards him pouting.


Stan:Oh yeah

Me:Make sure you get up earlier so he doesn't see you.

Stan:I'm not lying to my kids.


Stan:That's your M.O.

I scoff and roll my eyes. This bastard is acting like I just did it because I wanted to not because we needed the money.

Stan:What do you want here Ruby? Hmm? You want to act like nothings wrong? Wanna cuddle? You want to watch reality TV? Well guess what, baby. I'm living it.


Stan:No, the things you did…

Me:We needed the money

Stan:Everybody needs money! Everybody, but normal people-- good people they don't do what you did.

Yes but not everyone has a sick daughter and has to work crazy hours and jobs to make a slight scratch on their debts! And good people do what's right even if it means doing man made wrong.

Stan:All those nights you slept like a baby. Right next to me with your shady lying ass.

Me:Oh so I wouldn't be so shady if I would have told you?! Your a cop like you keep on stating what sane person or how you stated normal person would do that?! I did it for our daughter! Not for personal gain not for greed but for my daughter! And if you can't understand that, A street gang was going to kill us.

Stan:Well then you come to me!

Me:Again you are a cop! And I didn't want to involve you.

Stan:And here we are.

He cocks his gun, I look at him in confusion.

Me:Why are you doing that?

Stan: Because you and your girlfriends thought you put a gang  away! Ruby they made bail

I don't even think and run out the room calling Beth but she doesn't answer. I keep calling.

Beth's POV…

As I hold the gun Rio leans back. Dean takes a deep breath.

Dean:Do it Beth.

Me:Please shut up.

Dean:Just shoot him.

Me:Shut up!

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