One Last Time

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Rose POV...

When I wake up I hear Rio talking to someone I sit up and I see the door slowly open and I see Poppy damn near fly into the bed and tackle me. I laugh as he hugs me tightly I laugh and hug him back, I kiss his forehead once he let's go slightly. I pull away and sit him on my lap.

Me:Goodmorning to you too!

Poppy:Goodmorning! I missed you alot.

Me:Aww I missed you too babes. How has school been going?

Poppy:Slow. I wish it was summer again.

Me:Well you only have 5 more weeks of school you think you can handle it?

Poppy:I guess.

Me:Well... If you can we'll go to a water resort or a amusement park. Deal?


Rio:Hey poppy let me talk to Rose real quick yeah?

He nods and kisses my cheek and gets off the bed going to the front room. I look up at Rio and he comes over and kisses me pushing me back a little onto the bed. I pull away and look at him.

Rio:I love you.

Me:Love you too.

Rio:I think your missing a word there.

Me:I... Love you too.

He smirks and kisses me again. He pulls away and I sit up. He sits on the bed near my feet and I get up to go into the shower. But right when I put a foot in and notice I still have socks on my, phone rings. I pick up and see it's Ruby.

Ruby:Rosè, Stan was arrested!

Me:Huh? He's a cop.

Ruby:He failed the lie dector test and the investigatior was giving me a deal and I blew it.

Me:*sighs* To protect Beth... You really gave your husband up over a bitch Ruby? Your cop husband at that! He can lose his career! The one he just started at that for all we know they can say that you guys planned that out to have someone on the inside to watch everything.

Ruby:Harry and Sara saw...

Me:*sarcastic*Fantastic. I'll be over in a minute.

Ruby: No don't I'm about to go out after dropping off the kids.

Me:Alright. Bye.

Ruby:I'll call you when I get back.


I pull my wet sock off and then the other before I get in. I scrub my body and soon I feel hands wrap around my waist. I feel him kiss up and down the side of my neck.

Me:Your son is in the front, we are not doing this.

Rio:It's about time he learned what the birds and the bees are.

Me:Don't get fucked up Rio.

He groans and gets out.

Time Skip...

Me:You can't be serious. This is what got yall ass in this situation now!

Ruby:Stan is in jail.

Me:And I'll pay his bail.

Ruby: You didn't put us in this mess you your not getting us out.

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