Mo Money Mo Problems...

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🥀Rose POV 🥀

I sit in the living room with the girls as they face Rio about the heirloom little things while I eat fruit snacks smirking at them.

Rio:You want me to sell your dolls?

Beth:Tell him about Hans.

Me: Oohh they got names...

Ruby kicks me under the table and I hiss and glare at her.

Annie:Ooh our little drummer boy. The pride of Hamburg.

Rio looks at me like 'is she fucking serious' when I'm seriously looking at them like that too.

Annie:You see Hans here is one of only 12 in the entire--

Before she can finish, he slams them to the table breaking a few along the way. All of them flabbergasted.

Annie:--11 in the world.

Rio:This some kind of joke to you?... I'm done playing with you guys.

Hold up wait a minute. I stand up but eyebrow tattoo guy points his gun at me. I raise my eyebrow and grab my gun from my waist and raise mine between his eyebrows.

Me: Ayo, chill out breaking shit homie. How much you guys need? Including interest?


Me:That's how much you regularly owe. But alright. Give me a few seconds to go to my bike.

Rio:Didn't we have this conversation already?

Me:Yup, so you should know better.

Rio:Sit down Rose, and take your gun from her. She ain't take no money from us.

He pulls his gun down and I glare at him and put mine down. I walk out to my car but soon hear it lock behind me. I bang on the door and groan rushing to my bike grabbing the money and bang on the door. The girls start to scream and yell but I know he's not gonna kill them. I huff and put the money back into my car and sit on the step. My phone dings and I grab it seeing its from a unknown number.

Rio:You know you are very hardheaded.

Me:So my momma used to always tell me, but you know A hard head makes a soft behind.

Rio:Your Girl giving a speech about how they'll become a movement against violence.

Me:Beth? The red head?


Me:Unlock the door.

Rio:Nah sit outside. You were enjoying this too much with your fruit snacks.

Me:I left them in side! Atleast throw them out here.😁

Rio:You've had enough sweets for the day.

Me:Whatever just hurry up scaring them so I can get back inside its chilly out.

Rio:Aww the poor baby cold?

Me:No but you about to be hot once I fire a bullet in your ass Rio!

Rio:You Promise?

I roll my eyes and bang on the door the girls scream again I roll my eyes. My phone dings again.

Rio:She called me an idiot.

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