Everything Must Go

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Rose POV...

As I lay in my bed with Leo as my pillow I go through my phone seeing Beth call me I groans silently not to wake Leonardo and I answer.

Me:Yes Elizabeth?

Beth:where are b you!?

Me:Somewhere why?

Beth:We have to talk!


Beth:Are you at your house?


Am I home right now?

Me:Yeah come on man.

I hang up and throw my phone at the end of the bed and get up walking to the bathroom and get washed up and dressed. My hair in a bun. I walk out and walk into the kitchen to cook.

Once I finish Beth knocks on the door I open it and let her in she rushes in and sits at the island I walk in and lean against the sink arms folded.

Me:What did you do?

Beth:Rio was at the dealership and started to tear up cars until we gave him a cut of the profits.

I just shake my head it's not even funny any more at how hardheaded and dumb she is. I just lean back and look at her.

Me:I told you. He switched his game and he knew exactly how to do it. Let me guess, he used you two fucking around as blackmail then started to beat the cars up huh? You really thought all that money was for offing Boomer? He doesn't do payments with fake cash you should know that by now. But what do you want me to do? I'm not getting in that.

She looks down then back at me.

Beth:Rose I'm so sorry.

Me:Bitch I don't give a damn if your sorry. That's like me sleeping with Dean. Then be all in yo face asking you to help me make some dumb ass dessert. Like damn you knew how it felt to be betrayed but at least you had the opportunity to not feel back stabbed by a friend or someone you knew! Like who in hell keeps flirting with a taken man? Do you want your kids to do that to someone? They just might seeing as both of their parents are cheaters and ain't loyal to nothing but themselves.

I hear Leo walking in a frown on his face he walks to me and kisses me looking at Beth probably for the first time.

Leo:Is there a problem La mia bella rosa?

Me:Nah, just some loose ends that may need to be cut off. She's just about to leave you hungry?

Leo: Anything you cook I will be eating.

I giggle as he kisses my neck Beth stands up glaring at us.

Beth:How are you going to talk about Rio and me cheating when your doing the exact same thing. But have him your bed!

Me: Because I only do onto others what they do onto me. And he's very charming, such a gentleman  and handsome.

Rio:What the hell is going on?

I turn around to him a grin on my face Leo arms still around me.

Me:Hello love, how have you been? Hungry?

He looks at everything going on and shakes his head a small chuckle leaving his mouth.

Time Skip...

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