Taking Care Of Business/A View From the Top

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Rose POV …

I lay on the bed as Rio walks around getting his clothes after his shower. My phone rings I groan, Rio chuckling, I grab it and see it's Ruby.

Me:What up?

Ruby:We have a problem...


Ruby: Uummm......

Me:Not today Rudy I'm in a good mood.

Ruby:We lost a recipe.

Me:*moans* How! How! How! It's one piece of paper that you put into your purse and don't touch until you need it! Who?


Me:I swear she's my favorite one but my most disliked. Ok so what are you doing about to do?

Ruby:Can you come with us to get it?

Me:I can't I have business to take care of. I told you I'm done helping if it isn't a gun to your head.

Ruby:*sighs* Fine just keep him busy atleast?

Me:Bye Ruby.


I fall forward and pop back up walking to get my shoes and slipping them on. Rio slaps my ass and I grab my keys and walk out. We get into his car and I grab the aux cord.

Rio:I don't feel like listening to no sad romance ass songs Rose.

Me:Please I don't even feel like listening to that.

I turn to my playlist and click on Salt N Peppa none of your business and start rapping, Rio chuckling.

Me:If I wanna take a guy home with me tonight it's none of your business! If she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend it's none of your business!

Rio:Yea it is and enough of that yeah?

He cuts it off I roll my eyes laughing.

Me:What's on the Agenda for today boss?

Rio:Gotta go check up on a slacker with my money.

Me:He's in?


I nod and lean back closing my eyes.

Rio:Don't go to sleep on me now after you wanted to be up all night cracking jokes and being cute.

Me:Next time just grab me and tell me to take my ass to bed.

Rio:I got you... gone head and take lil nap mama.

I nod and close my eyes falling asleep.

At The Thief 's house...

I stand next to Rio as the two men sob and cry asking for more time.

Rio:You thought I wasn't going to know my own money?! Nah you planned that and for that you gotta go.

Jacobs, Carlos and Donny start to tear up the house Juan putting on the silencer. Rio walks to the threshold and pulls me in front of him, me facing him I wrap my arms around his waist as we hear the gun go off four times. Two for each. Once everything is quiet I start to turn around but Rio just pulls me out of the house and opens the door for to I get in and he closes the door locking it and walking back inside. I roll my eyes and grab my phone calling Ruby.

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