Atom Bomb

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Rose POV ...

I sit with Eddie as he cries from the bullet wound in his side.

Eddie:Why do I have to be their test?

Me:Because your rookie bad ass and your a good shocker for them.

Eddie:Do they know about this?

Me:Nah and you won't tell them. Now I'll give you some pain pills that will make you sleep I won't bandage your sound because they are doing that but I will stop major damage.


Soon Rio walks in and greets Eddie and nods to me.

Rio:You ready Kid?


Me:I just gave him the pain meds he'll be sleep by the time you get there. Put him on a couch put a towel under him so he won't stain shit.

Rio:*chuckles* Ok.

Me:Stop with the chuckles I'm serious, kids are there I don't want them scarred.

Rio:I got you mama.

I roll my eyes and he holds me to him.

Rio:I got you.

I nod and grab my bag and getting up. I go to my car and drive to the grocery store and grab a few things then go to Annie's register her creep ass boss talking to her.

Boomer:Oh uh do anything fun on your day off?

Annie:Just hung out with my kid.

Boomer:Is that all?

Me:Damn Boomer, why you acting like such a creep? Bosses don't bug employees about their days off. I know you got a crush but Damn this getting strange.

Annie:Hey Rose.

Me:Hey Ann how's Sadie?

Annie:Great she asked about you.

Me:I'll come over some time this week and we'll have a god mom and daughter day. She need anything?

Annie:No she's good.


I pay for my stuff and give her extra as a tip and walk back to my car. I turn and see Boomer glaring at me I stick my middle finger up and get into my car heading home.

Once I do I cut up some watermelon and turn on my music. I grab my book and start to finish my book, groan rap to the song laughing at some parts. I start to think about my first time and blush and try to kill the thought.

Next Day...

I lean against the wall as Beth, Ruby and Annie fuss over Eddie.

Beth:I'm guessing he's a associate to the gangbanger.

Ruby:Come on! I thought we were done with that.

Annie:Yeah! What the hell?

Beth:Yeah we were but then. This gonna sound crazy.

Annie:Spit it out!

Beth:I offered to do another job...

Ruby:You asked for this!?

Beth:It's not like we don't need the money. We all still need the money.

Ruby:So you asked for this?!

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