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Rose POV...5 Months Later

Me:Anthony, I'm coming home! I don't care! I'm fucking home sick! My back hurts already! Rio's on watch he can't come back and forth, heat is gone why can't I come!

Anthony:The deal was six months, you can't wait another, 2weeks?

Me:Nah I can't! *Crying* Anthony I want to be around family! Friends! And after all this shit I probably don't even have a family! I'm tired of this fucking apartment it's not mine. It doesn't have my balcony, my floors, my closet, anything that says me!

Anthony:*sighs* Have you talked to Rio?

Me: The fuck I gotta talk to him about it for? He'll know once I step foot in Ashfield so.

Michael: We'll come pick you up, ok? Stop crying. You packed up and ready?

Me:*sniffs*Yes. My plane leaves at 3:45

Anthony:isn't it 1:23 where you are right now.

Me:Yup my Uber is on the way.

Michael:Text us when you get here ok?

Anthony: Arrival and Take off and land.

Me:I got you. Good bye. Love you guys.

Them: Love you too Rose.

I look at the book bag and two small suitcases. I threw Alot of stuff out because I didn't feel like carrying it and I seen some cute baby stuff that I sent to Michael's house a head of time. My phone dings and it's my Uber. I grab the stuff and lock the door and drop the keys in a envelope in my mailbox like my landlord said and leave.

After The Flight...

Why must people clap so loud? Like who are you clapping for? I get up grabbing my book bag and walk out and to the baggage claim not even playing any games with these people. I wait for my bags and grab them once I see them and leave. I call the guys but I already see them in the car waiting for me. Anthony sees me first and gets out coming up to hug me. I laugh and hug back tightly as he picks me up. Michael doing the same. I smile as I see their faces in person after a long while.

Me:Man I've missed you so much.

Anthony:We've missed you too, Alot of shit has happened but nothing crazy. We are back up and running smoothly like I told you earlier.

Me: That's great! Now come on I'm hungry.

Michael: I bet you are. How's my nephew?

Me:Great, the doctor said that he's a big boy for 5 Months.

Anthony:Yea you look at least 6 months already.

Me:Yea and he moves Alot, my doctor says that I may just be a week or so early so I'm technically already 6 months.

Michael:Damn man, your seriously having a baby, like I knew you were but to be here to witness is amazing.

Me:*laughing* Whatever.

Anthony: You talked to baby daddy?

Me:*scoffs* Please don't call him that. And Yea we talk every night and text through the day.

We pull up to Chick-fil-A and order. Once we get our food they drive me to my house. Both decide to spend the night as "guard dogs".

After, I get from the shower I hear Anthony and Michael talking to someone. I keep my hair down and slip on a short onesie. I walk out and see Rio and his guys looking at Anthony and Michael tension on a all time high.

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