Chapter 12

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Bubbles POV

I walked to my closet and pick out a light blue dress that goes to my knees and a short white jacket and my usaul curly blonde pigtails.

I grab my bag and white flats and ran downstairs. I heard a horn and kissed my grandmas cheek and slip on my shoes.

I saw Boomer blue truck and I climbed in. I kissed his cheek and buckled up.

"How was your night?" Boomer asked.

"Fine, just my grandma been coughing a lot latey." I said.

"Oh im sorry."

"Its ok, hows was your night?"

"Great, I talked with Brick last night."

"Thats awesome Boomie!"

"Yeah, ready for art class?"

I nodded my head and unblucked my seatbelt and saw Boomer holding the door for me. I took his hand and jumped out.

We went to my locker to grab my art book and binder as Boomer did the same across from me.

"Hey Bubbles!" Blossom said as she drag Brick behind her.

"Hello, did you eat candy?" I said as I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah!, Brick brought me chocolate this morning and I couldnt wait!"

"Blossom, calm down."

She pouted and nodded and went to her locker next to mine. She grab her comic books and her textbooks.

Brick came next to her and wrap his arm around her. She giggled and waved at me saying she'll see me in math class.

Boomer grab my hand and walked me to art class. I gigged when he opened the door for me. I sat at our usual table with Beth, and Mike.

I smiled and waved at them as Boomer sat down next to me and kissed me on the cheek.

I giggled and started to draw Blossom and Brick eating candy as Me and Boomer was holding hands and Buttercup and Butch was skating and holding hands.

Boomer drew me and him flying and dancing. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. Beth cheered as Mike pretented to puke.

Boomer grab my left hand under table as I drew and turned red.

Buttercups POV

I walked out the door with my dad sleeping on the couch and not knowing of Butch spent the night with me.

Butch took hold of my hand and grab my skateboard and his and ran out the door. I saw a green mustang and black stripes. I crossed my arms over my chest and care to explain look.

"Mojo, took us shopping one day and I got this my second best thing in my world." He said as he shrug.

"Whos your first than?"

"You Buttercup and always."

He wrapped his arms around me and I jumped in his car when I ran out of them. Soon as he started I heard the rock station blaring. We sang along with it and laughed when a bird flew into the window.

I heard my phone buzzing and saw Blossoms pic on it.

"Hello." I said through the phone.

"Its Bubbles." She said.

"What did Boomer do?"

"No its not him, her grandma died."

"Im coming."

I hung up and ran into the bathroom with Bubbles crying and Blossom tired to calm her down.

"Bubbles, you ok?" I asked soon as I opened the door. She ran to me and hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I patted her back and saying its going to be ok.

"Where am I going to stay?" She asked.

"Well the Professer said you can stay at the lab for the rest of highschool." Blossom said when she turned off her phone.

We went to Bubbles old room and cleared it out. She went into her grandmas room.

"Bubbles, its going to be ok." I said

"Buttercup, shes been there for me when my parents chose to be fashion editors and left me, and shes gone."

"But were here, me, Blossom and Boomer."

"Yeah I guess." She went over to the mirror and grab her grandmother necklace she always wear and put it around her neck.

We grab her stuff and put it in Bricks trunk. Blossom sat in the front with him and he grab her hand as I sat next to Butch and put my head on his shoulder. Boomer grab Bubbles and didnt let her go until we got in her new room.

Blossom POV

I walked into Bricks room and sighed as I fell on his bed. He layed on top of me and put his head on my stomach. I giggled and sighed again.

"Its going to be ok right?" I asked.

"Yeah, its always be ok." He said as he looked at my pink eyes and put half his wieght on me.

I kissed him lighty and he turned us around where I was on top of him. I giggled and put my head on his chest.

He hummed and stroke my hair.

"Sing for me." I said.



He cleared his throat and begin.

Im yours your mine

Dont cry dont be sad

Im here your here

As long we got each other its going to be ok

Im yours your mine

Dont cry dont be sad

I'll scare he bad dreams away

I'll kiss you until you tell me to stop

Because Im yours forever.

I sighed and kissed him as he kissed me back.

"Hey Brick no sex on the bed." Boomer and Bubbles said together.

"Dont use my line." He said as he got up and started to chase Boomer. Bubbles and I giggled as Boomer trick Brick.

He finally caught Boomer and blew in his ear.

"Eww!! Ok im sorry!" Boomer yelled.

"Truce?" Brick asked.

Butch threw a bucket of water on the both of them. They both yelled at Butch as Buttercup handed us water ballons we threw them at the boys.

They chuckled and pulled out a hose as we screamed and ran and a water fight. We went inside and laughed as Bubbles and Boomer cook dinner.

Brick pulled me to the side and kissed me deeply. We pulled apart.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For love." Is all he said and took hold of my hand and we ate.

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