Chapter 37

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Blossoms POV

I just sat there and listening to them argue. I sighed and slammed my fist on table. They all whipped their heads my direction.

"This is my dream. Cant yall see, dont yall want me to be happy?" I asked as Bubbles eyes prickled with tears as Buttercup glum face appeared.

"When do you leave?" Bubbles asked sadly.

"Monday or Wensday." I said as Bubbles nodded.

"I be here for your bday. I promise." I said to Bubbles, her eyes lit up. I smiled hoping the subject would change.

Brick shooked his head and sighed. I glared at him and he put his hands up. Bubbles was chatting about how she wants a party and she wants us to come so bad. I smiled at them, I wanted to leave and just sit and think.

The bell rang and I smiled in happiness. Brick laughed and laced my hand in his. He lead me to his car and opened the door. He slammed the door and I flinched.

"Sorry Cupcake." He said as he climbed in the car.

"Its ok." I replied as I stared out the window.

"You do realize, I dont want you to really go right?" Brick said as I sighed.


"Then why do you want to go?"

"Cause I just do!"

"Do you really love me?"


"Then dont leave me!" Brick yelled as I stared into his red eyes. I shooked my head and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Im leaving you cause we not dating anymore." I said as I opened the door. He grabbed my wrist with sad eyes.

"Blossom p-p-please d-dont." Brick pleaded as tears fell down both of our faces.

"Bye Brick." I said as I closed the door. I ran and cried with tears blocking my vision. I love Brick, I really do. But he doesnt want me to have my dream life.

I ran and ran till my legs gave up. I sat down letting tears fall down my face. I pulled out my wallet and saw I had 59 bucks. I smiled and walked to the store.

I walked to the clothes side and pick out a bubbly blue dress with black heels and a birthday bag. I grabbed a card and bought the stuff.

I walked outside and walked home. I wiped my marcasa and put the bag on my bed. I grabbed out two suit cases and walked downstairs to my mom.

"Mom, when do I have to leave?" I asked.

"Umm around Friday, hon." She said as she turned to me.

"Can I leave Wensday?" I asked her.

"If thats what you want." She said.

"Thats what I want." I said as she nodded. I smiled and walked upstairs. I started to pack my clothes. I promised Bubbles that I would be here for her birthday. I promise Brick, I would stay with him forever. I just cant kept them.

Bricks POV

I slammed my fist on the steering wheel. I screamed and yelled but I couldnt get myself to chase her down. Tears fell down my face and I cried myself to death.

I drove to the lab and saw Hayden was sitting at the table with Bubbles and Boomer and Butch. They looked at ne and I ran upstairs.

I ran into my room and slammed my books off my table. I locked my door and threw the desk across the room. I grabbed my bed and flung it to the closet.

"Brick!" Bubbles and Boomer yelled as I heard Butch grunting to get the door opened.

"Please open up." Boomer said as I smashed the picture of me and Blossom. Glass was everywhere. I fell to the ground with the grass shards into my knees.

"Brick man, please open up." Butch pleaded.

"Go away! Just go! I dont want to see any of you!" I yelled as I heard Boomer cried.

"Im calling Blossom." Bubbles said.

"Dont call her! Dont say her name near me! I dont want to hear anything about her right now!" I yelled as tears fell down my face.

I curled up into a ball. I cried and cried. I heard them left and I unlocked the door. I went to the floor and layed down with some of the glass on my face. I felt my eyes get droopy and fell asleep.

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