Chapter 42

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Boomers POV

Brick hasnt been hiself latey. Its been two days and hes losing it. I cant blame him though, if it happen to Bubbles , ill die. I knocked on Bricks door.

"Come in Boomer!" Brick yelled through the door.

"How did you know......" I stopped and saw he had maps everywhere. Red circles, red tacks. I gulped and he was pulling at his shaggy red/orange hair.

"Brick, this is-." I was cuttoff by his phone ringing.

"Hello?" His phone was stern. Then he tense up.

"Let her go you, asshole!" He yelled in his phone.

"No, you listen to me fuckturd!"

"Fine, but I get to bring one person."

"Deal." He said and snapped his phone shut.

"You busy?" Brick asked me.

"No why?" I asked.

"Cause me , you and Hayden. Is going to met his dad."

"But we cant give Hayden back to him."

"Were not." Just get him and lets go.

"Okay." I said as I ran to Haydens room. He was already ready.

"Trust me. I know my Papa." He said as he grabbed my hand and march me to Bricks car. Brick raised an eyebrow and held back a chuckle. I cant blame him on this either.

A 6 year old kid marching out a 16 year old boy. Is a funny sence. Hayden flung open the door and ran into the booster seat.

"Are you sure you dont need one?" Brick joked.

"Haha, lets just go." My face redded from embarrmest.

He chuckled and raced down the street. I held my breath and we drove back to the cabin.

Blossoms POV

I woke up to the sound of the door being slammed opened. I looked up to see Haydens Papa. He grinned and grabbed my arm. His nails dugged into my arm. I bit my lip, not letting the pain leaving my lips.

I was throwned to the floor, and heard a growl. I looked up to see Brick, and Boomer. They had Hayden and for a little six year old he could do a pretty darn scary glare.

"Now my son." Papa said.

"Nope, my Blossom first." Brick said as my heart flutter what he said.

"Fine, but I get my son right."

"Sure Papa." Hayden said as tears threaten to come out. Brick started to move to get me.

"Wait! I want the blonde one." He said as Boomer flinched.

"Me?" Boomer said unsurley.

"Yes, you! Now get her!" He yelled as Brick nodded. Boomer walked over and picked me up lighty. I held my breath and he brought me over to Brick. I felt warm fimaliar arms.

I smiled in his chest. Hayden walked over to me and put his small lips to my ear.

"Be safe ok. I promise I will. If you do too. Stay with Brick please." Hayden said as my swelled up.

"I promise." I whrispered to him. He smiled and pressed his little lips to my cheek.

"Then I promise too." He said as he ran to his Papa. Brick held me tighter and kissed my forehead. He walked to his red car and layed me in the back seat.

"Boomer can you drive?" Brick asked as he moved a piece of my bangs.

"Sure." Boomer said as he grabbed the car keys. Brick let my head lay on his lap. He brushed my bangs and hummed along with the radio.

We reach back at the house and he carried me up to my room. He layed me on my bed. He got up and turned but I grabbed his wrist.

"Stay with me." I sang softly.

"Cause you all I need." Brick sang back as he climbed into bed with me. I layed my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you, Blossom so much." Brick said as my swelled.

"I love you too Brick." I said.

"Will you stay with me?"

"Always." I said as Brick pump his right fist in the air.

"We are the champions!" He yelled as I giggled. He chuckled and held me closer.

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