Part 1

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The luxurious house is shown which is not so big but beautifully well maintained, surrounded by garden which giving more beauty to that house were fountain showering his water around himself showing his beauty in night.

Cold breeze flowing outside in night where moon as usual at in his place surrounding by beautiful stars. Flowers slowly dancing with that cold breeze were a Birds are sleeping peacefully on their place.

The One white painted room surrounded by darkness as a like someone don't want to enter light in the room , the window which is present in the room covered by Royal blue curtains which is giving classy view to that room.

One table placed in front of the couch which is present little away from the bed in left side , on that table one empty alcohol bottle present along with empty glass which indicating that someone drinking sometime before were some files and laptop lieing there.

Small table present near bed ,lamp place on that table were one photo frame of girl present near lamp.

The men 26 years old sleeping on bed, wearing his casual t-shirt looking handsome were he covered himself with bedsheet till chest. His beard grown up. His forehead cover with sweat were his lips murmuring something in sleep.

"No" scream men and sit on bed sweating badly were he is breathing heavily.

His eyes indicating that he saw something bed dream. His eyes filled with fear and tears.

He poverd water in the glass and take out some pills from drawer were his hand trembling while doing work. He immediately gulp pills closing his eyes and again lied down on bed. Soon sleep take over him.

Sun ray fall on small house which is surrounded by small garden. In that house only one room and kitchen present along with hall.

One beautiful girl open her eyes . She hurridly get up from the bed went towards window and open a curtain letting sunray come inside. She went towards washroom taking her clothes.

She come out wearing simple kurta pajama were towel still hanging on her hair. She came in hall and light diya infront of idiols which is present in hall. She prayed infront of god while closing her eyes. She went towards the kitchen and make herself breakfast.

Little cry encroached all around the house making girl lips wide due to smile. She immediately wash hand in basin and run towards her room hurridly while rubbing her hand to her dress.

She enter in room and went towards curdles which is placing beside bed. She pic baby in arm who is crying. Baby stop crying feeling warmness of mother. She struggle in her arm.

"Aww what happen to my baby???? Why she is crying? ?missing mumma??" girl said smilingly wiping babys tears which was ready to fall down any time.

Baby ignore her word and try to suck her bre*st above her dress when she took her in arm. The Girl smile seeing her. She sit on bed while folding her leg, she pull her dress up and start feeding baby while caressing baby small hand.

After finishing feeding, she place motherly kiss on baby forehead making baby wide her pink small lips little more before placing on the bed.

"Now Sanvis mamma give Sanvi bath...hai na my bacha" Swara said walking towards the cupboard were Sanvi make baby sound as she is listening her mummas talk without understanding anything.

Swara take out Sanvis cloth and again walk towards her smilingly. She removed her clothes and walk towards bathroom and gave Sanvi bath which make sanvi cry.

"Shhh my bacha... its done baby.... stop crying na" swara said patting her back lovingly who was wrapped in the towel while resting her head on Swara chest cryingly.

Swara place her on the bed and start wearing her dress but she start showing her tantrum as she don't want to wear.

"You donnt(don't ) want to weal (wear) youal(your ) cloth" swara said smilingly in baby voice while rubbing her nose on her small tummy which make sanvi giggle.

Sanvi struggle in the place feeling tickles on her bare tummy while giggling which is make swara laugh.

"Now my sanvi wear her cloth like a good girl hai na.... then mumma and sanvi will go to her papa " swara said last line emotionally while wearing her close.

Men come down from a stairs wearing black cot upon white shirt with black pant while wearing watch to the right hand looking extremely hot.

"Sanskaar come and pray with me " voice come from corner of hall were krishna and Radha idols present with beautiful decoration.

"Dad you know that I don't believe in this rock so don't force me" he said controlling his anger while going towards dinning table.

"Sanskaar don't say like that... " Ram said little angrily while walking towards dinning table but sanskaar ignore his word

He remove the chair and settle himself on chair opposite to sanskaar. Ramu kaka came and serve their breakfast.

"Sanskaar... you should settle " ram said breaking silent while taking long breath knowing his son anger were sanskaar angrily tight his fist.

" one year pass that incident sanskaar , I know it is not easy to forget that incident but you have to sanskaar... I want to see my daughter in law and my grandchildren before closing my eyes... I want someone who take care of you after me" ram said emotionally while again taking long breath knowing what going to happen.

"Dad just stop talking will not going anywhere living me.... " Sanskaar shout angrily while throwing plate angrily on ground while getting up from chair.

"And who will marry your rapist son?"" Sanskaar said angrily while walking from there.

To be continued.....

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