part 14

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Sanskaar  POV
I open the my eyes, I felt headache but I ignored as it is normal for him due to alcohol which giving peace at least night. I got up from the bed sliding my bedsheet. I walk towards the my baby doll who was peacefully sleeping in her new credle. I smiled after giving her forehead kiss were she smile in her sleep feeling my touch. She only have that magic to make broken heart smile.

I walk towards the cupboard and took cloth. I also took mobile to check my email and moved toward bathroom to have shower. I walk towards the mirror were my eyes glued on mobile. I put mobile and cloth on stab after finishing my work on mobile.

I was removing my t-shirt, suddenly shower get start. I got confused. I removed my t-shirt completely and turn towards the shower.

I got shock seeing her swara who was taking shower. Her body wrapped in white towel which hardly overing her thing, before I moved her eyes fall on me who made her shout.

"Ahhhhh" she shout top of the voice making me shock. She clutched her towel tightly near her body, she must be feeling nervous. I was about to go but she shout to stop my feet.

"How dare  you came inside??" She shout while clutching towel near her cheast.

"Wo I am sorry, I don't know" I was not finding word as I also feeling awkward and nervous seeing her like this.

"I know you a rapist like you who just search chance to see girls body like this, bloody rapist" her word reached in my nervous rising my anger.

I furiously reached towards her in a Nano second and pinned to the wall harshly, holding through her arms were water flowing on our body. She was staring me not in anger but fear.

" What you think yourself ha?? What ever came in your mouth you will say?? Tell me when I try to touch you except that kiss?? " I shouted on her loudly.

"Tell me dammit" I shout again not getting her  answer, her lips was shivering but I don't care but what she will tell when I never try to touch her. It really hurting when someone blame you that crime which  you never did.

"Now what happened ?? Before sometime you are saying something na" I again shout near her mouth which made shut her eyes.

"You really think na I searching chance to see girls body, let's complete your wish" she widden her eyes listening my word.

I hold her hand and drag outside were she was trying to free her hand but it did not affect me little. I throw her on bed harshly and came upon her maintaining some distance from her body putting both hand either side her body.

" Plz no" she peld me were tears rolled down from her eyes.

" Before blaming someone think whose mistake. Its your mistake that you did not lock door from inside. If I knew you are inside I never come inside" I got up from her calming my mind.

I did not look at her, I directly went in bathroom and stand under the shower, my tears got mixed with water. It's really hurting me but who will know my pain.

Sanskaar pov end

Swara pov
Today I got up late, so hurriedly pic my clothes and rush towards the bathroom. I removed my clothes and wrap towel around my body. I made wet my body and stop the shower. I put soap and again start the shower, clearing soap from my eyes, I opened my eyes.

I shout top of my voice seeing Sanskaar infront of him. I clutched my towel trying to hide myself from him.

"How can he enter inside ?? He just want to see girls" my mind shout getting flashes of his past so I just shout on him.

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