part 3

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Ram open the door after listening bell but he get shock seeing a girl who was standing taking little girl in arm were sindoor was spread all over on her forhead along with the nose.

"Swara what are you doing here? ?" Ram asked her shocking.

"Your son don't left any chance to make our life hell" swara said angrily

"What he did ??" Ram asked confusingly thinking about Sanskaar what he did now.

"He forcefully married me" swara said making Ram shock

"He will not do like  this" Ram wisper shockingly.

"If he can do rape then what is big deal to marry girl forcefully" swara said angrily were Ram close his eyes listening better words again his son.

"I will talk to him " Ram said emotionally not wanting to talk further.

"If you don't let me come in then your son don't take time to destroy my life " swara said taunting

"Hmm" Ram said thinking about his son who still believe that his son can't do like this without any reason.

Swara enter in the Sanskaar room which is right  now become their room. Servants place her things in the room which she was brought with her along with Sanvis curdle.

Swara place sanvi in the curdle who was  sleeping peacefully unaware of this cruel world which her mumma fighting. Swara kiss her forhead lovingly and went towards dressing table which was present in the right side of the bed.

She stand infront of the mirror and look herself in the mirror which is saying her now she is belonging someone wheal or without the wheal. She looks toward magalsutra which is hanging in the  neck were forhead filled  with sindoor. Some sindoor still present in her nose. .

"How could people believe in this silly things ??" Swara chuckle sadly who is believing that if sindoor will fall on nose then her husband love her more.

I had many dreamed about my marriage as I was always thinking about marriage how important think in every womens life. This marriage word had not entered in my life because every girl dreaming about their marriage but because of my past which I had been always gotten taunt in my life.  Because of my past lesson I decided, I will never cross my line before marriage but destiny had other plan which I crossed
I thought after marriage may be my life get easy but no. Life is not easy its don't even take time to destroy anyone life in one second. " tears rolled down from her eyes.

"You are swara don't think that happiness come into your life your struggling life never going to end " swara said herself while wiping her own tears.

In night

Swara is sitting on couch thinking something deeply were Sanvi lieing on her lap while playing with newly found magalsutra.

Swara get alert listening door opening sound and get up from couch  immediately due to fear. She looks toward door were devil was standing taking support of door.

His hair was get messed his white shirt some button got open were coat was hanging on his shoulder. Seeing him anyone say that he is drunk. He take step towards swara which make swara fear. She hold sanvi tightly near the heart.

"How are you feel becoming Mrs Swara Sanskaar Maheshwari? ?" Sanskaar said laughingly

Swara standing there quietly not word coming out from her mouth thinking about devil who was ready to eat.

Sanskaar eyes fell on sanvi who was looking at him with her big big eyes .

"This is not opranch that you will bring anyone " Sanskaar said angrily were hs eyes still stuck on that little creature who was staring him without blink.

"She is my and sahil daughter " swara said stammeringly.

" illegal daughter "Sanskaar said laughingly were tears roll down from swaras eyes.

"So I got package buy one get one free which is very useful to me" Sanskaar said smrinkingly which make swara scare.

"Plz don't do anything to my baby " swara said cryingly

" You have to take care of my dad properly if you say anything to my dad which make him hurt then I will hurt your this it " Sanskaar said pointing towards swara were she nods her head helplessly.
Sanskaar looks toward sanvi making big eyes which make sanvi laugh were sanskaar get shock because most of the time child get scared but here she is laughing.

"Hey you girl stop laughing " Sanskaar said pointing towards sanvi who is still laughing seeing Sanskaar which make him irritate.

Sanskaar came forward and put finger on her lips making her stop but she hold his finger in her tiny finger and try to put her in mouth. Sanskaar try to free her finger but she tightly hold his finger.

"Hey little girl leave my finger" Sanskaar said trying to take out his finger from her small grip. It does not mean that he can't free his finger forcefully  but some corner of heart he know it might be hurt her.

"Baby leave his hand " swara said lovingly. Swara forcefully  free her grip

"Keep her away from me...i hate her" Sanskaar said angrily
Sanskaar lied down on bed while throwing court on couch. "Don't sleep on my bed you sleep wherever you want " Sanskaar said closing his eyes.

Swara made sanvi lied down in curdle and she lied down  on couch while thanking god for saving her for today night but sleep far away from her.

To be continued.....

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