part 22

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Swara worriedly sitting on the couch waiting for Sanskaar from past two hours. Her heart beat increasing each passing hours. Sanvi was sitting in her lap while playing with her mother mangalsutra.

" Why your dada not coming?? I am getting tension here" Swara said looking towards Sanvi ,listening Dada she smiled showing her untouthy smile.

Soon door got opened. Swara looked towards Sanskaar and got worried seeing his pale face. She immediately got up from the couch and walked towards him. Seeing her Dada Sanvi immediately jump on him and placed kiss on his cheeks were Sanskaar did same.

" Sanskaar what happened??" Swara asked him worried.

" Swara wo" Sanskaar made sad face and bow his head.

" Sanskaar tell na" swara asked him with pale face.

" Wo Swara I won the deal" Sanskaar said excitedly and about to hug her but Stop seeing her Angry face which made him confused.

" What happened Swara??" Sanskaar got confused seeing her Angry face.

" You are asking me why I am angry?? I am all worried for you and you are doing drama" Swara rolled her eyes angrily.

"Doll see your Mumma instead of congratulating your dada she got angry on your Dada should I say sorry to your Mumma??" Sanskaar looked towards swara but she did not look towards him. Sanvi happily clapped her hand making sound.

" Doll don't clap your hand Mumma will get more angry" sanskaar kissed her cheek but poor soul don't getting words she started clapping more loudly.

Sanskaar hold swara arm and pulled towards him were she placed hand on his chest to prevent falling on him. He wrapped his hand around her waist. She looked towards him without blink.

" I am sorry and thank you it's just because of you. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me" Sanskaar said smilingly, satisfactory smile visible on his face. They realised how closely they are standing. They looked eachother and had small eyes lock.

Sanskaar felt tap on his cheeks, he looked towards his daughter who was showing him untouthy smile getting his attention. Swara immediately pulled herself from his arm and tuck her hair behind were slight blush having on her cheeks.

" Sir may I come in??" PA asked, Sanskaar node his head.

" Sanskaar I am going home you do your work" Swara took Sanvi from Sanskaar.

" Let's go together and suprised dad and mom. You wait near the car I am coming" Sanskaar said. Swara nod her head and went outside.

Swara came near the car and stand there. Sanvi fall sleep on her shoulder. Some clapping sound come from behind which made her turn.

" So wife fallen in love with her rapist husband. Am I right Mrs Swara Sanskaar Maheshwari. She also back Stab me right??" Sahil greeted his teath angrily.

" What rubbish you are talking Sahil?? I don't love him." Swara got Angry.

" Ohh really. First you given me wrong file about that project. Then after missing that pendrive you helped him to make new presentation. Wow" Sahil said moking her.

" I don't give you wrong file" Swara did not looked in his eyes as she had not guts to see him.

" Oh really then how I got that pendrive??" Sahil angrily hold her hand.

" I know you stolen his pendrive that was wrong. I saw him how he work day and night for this project. It's his hard work. If you really wanted to ruin him then you should work hard. Not doing cheap thing" swara tried to free her hand who Sahil holding tight.

" I trying to give Justice to Kavita and you are calling me cheap wow" Sahil angrily moved his hand on hair.

" I am also trying but not like this. I trying to gather information but every time I got to know his different side, feeling like he can't do like this. How I can make you understand??" Swara said helplessly battling between heart and mind.

" So you think I am the one right??" Sahil shout angrily making swara flinch.

" Sahil plz slowly Sanvi will get up and I did not said it was you" Swara rubbed her back to calm her as she is struggling in her arm.

" You and your this daughter" Sahil murmured were Swara looked towards him thinking what he is murmuring. She never see him like this which making her worried.

" Is he good satisfying you in bed or he showering more money" before he complet his word, he received tight slap from Swara. Sahil angrily hold his cheeks.

" How dare you Sahil to say like this?? " Swara shout were tears flowing through her eyes.

" I am so sorry Swara but now I will not let you stay with this Sanskaar. Thank you very much for giving that pendrive but now you and our daughter live together" Sahil said hugging her which made Swara confused. Swara tried to free from his hug but he did not let her.

" Sahil" angry voice come out making Swara shock. She immediately pushed Sahil and looked toward Sanskaar, unknown fear took placed in her heart.

" You are alive. I will kill you" Sanskaar hold his collar tightly in his hand.

" Yes I am alive but you can't kill me if you try my men's shoot you and don't know who will loss life with you " Sahil said slowly and free his collar and smrink. Sanskaar angrily tighten his fist.

" Now let's play face to face no hide and seek" Sahil said.

" I was the not one who played hide and seek. I always played fair game. You are the one who hide like a criminal" Sanskaar said angrily.

" Let's see, I am taking my Swara and my daughter with me. If you tried to stop me I will kill you here only" Sahil said making Swara shock. Sahil turned towards the swara.

" If you don't want anyone kill here just silently come with me" Sahil said slowly which only listen by swara.

Sahil hold Swara hand and walked. Swara looked Sanskaar, he was looking towards her angrily. Her eyes got teary. She knows that someday this going to happen but she never know it will hurt like this.

To be continued

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