part 27

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Swara finished her dinner and about to go to put plate back on kitchen, Sanskaar hold her hand and took plate from her hand. She looked towards him.

" If you faint again I only have to pic you again so better to sit here" Sanskaar rolled her eyes and went from there.

" How Sanskaar got to Know I went to meet Sahil?? And how I will explain him why I went there?? I don't know why God playing with me" tears fall down from swara eyes. She immediately wiped tears listening Sanskaar steps sounds.

" Where is Sanvi??" Asked Sanskaar.

" She is with mom" said Swara.

" Why you gave her to mom?? Don't you know if she get up she will search for me or you" Sanskaar looked towards her angrily.

" I told mom if she get up bring her here" swara explained. She did not looked towards him.

" Where is my medicine? " Sanskaar shout, he was searching medicine in drower. He walked towards cupboard and start searching his medicine but he did not find.

" I am asking you something swara??" He walked towards swara who was sitting while playing with her finger. She get up from the bed.

" I throw them out ahh" swara shout as Sanskaar angrily pulled her towards him. He tighten his finger on her waist.

" Why you need that sleeping pills? And it's not good for your health" Swara tried to stay strong but her heart beating fast due to fear.

"who gave you permission to touch them?? " He greeted his teath were his eyes splitting fire. He was still close to her.

" I don't need your permission, I am your wife" hardly word come in her mouth in fear.

" Ohhh wife?? who is going to meet his lover back of her husband" tears rolled down from swara eyes. She wanted to cry loud but stop herself. Sanskaar leave her and about to go outside.

" Where are you going??" Swara came infront of him. Sanskaar tried to go but swara hold his hand.

" Swara leave my hand" Sanskaar tried to free her hand but swara hold him tightly.

" First tell me" Swara directly looked in his eyes.

"Mom took promise me that is why I stopped drinking. what you think stopping drinking suddenly is easy??  This medicine help me and I can't leave them. Now leave my way" Sanskaar again tried to leave his hand but swara did not.

" You also have other option" swara looked towards him. She is not sure that she is taking write decision or not.

" I can't cheat my wife to get physical with other girl" he got hurt thinking how can his wife tell him like this.

" I did not say that you have go to other girl. I am your wife, you have right on me" Swara looked towards Sanskaar. Her heart was crying. Sanskaar looked towards her shock as he looked something goast.

" Is something happened swara?? Tell me. Is he say something to you" he cupped her face forgetting his anger. She really feel blessed.

" No Sanskaar, I really want to start our relationship. I want to forget my past and want to move further" Sanskaar got suprised listing her words.

" Starting our relationship we don't need to get physical. Its  beautiful feeling which husband and wife share"  Sanskaar kissed her forehead, swara closed her eyes feeling blessed.

" I know, I wanted to feel that feeling" she encircled her hand around her neck.

"Why you want to meet Sahil??" Making swara nervous but she did not move her gaze from him.

" He was calling me again and again, I tried to make him understand but still he calling me. I went to meet him to end everything so I can start our relationship" swara said confidentially. 

" Are you hiding something from me swara??" Swara placed her soft lips in his lips and started kissing him. He was shocked seeing her bold move. She bit his lips to come back from shock. He respond her kiss. Swara broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen.

She hug him tightly breathing heavily. He dug his face in her neck, he trace his lips on her neck making her Shiver. His one hand went on her Dori and he untied it. Swara immediately turned breathing heavily. Sanskaar slide her hair in one side and placed lips on her back, slow moan escape from her mouth were his other hand went on her belly and start tracing his finger. Swara hold his hand as she feeling week on her knees with his sexual torture.

Not getting control swara turn and hug him. Sanskaar lift her in arm and went towards bed were swara hide her face in his neck. He placed her on bed and come upon her, digging himself in her cleavage. He explore her making her feel pleasure.

He free her and himself from the clothes. He moved further. He giving her pleasure were she moaning his name. Before taking final step he made her look towards him.

" Are you sure?? You really want this?? This is my most Beautiful feeling and  I don't want to regret you. I love you" Sanskaar confessed his feeling.

"I will never regret it. This feeling I always cherish " she kissed his eyes. Tears rolled down from her eyes.

Sanskaar interwined his finger with her. She gapes and closed her eyes feeling him. They involved in their love making, moan and growns encoched in room forgetting their worries.

To be continued..

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