part 16

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Swara entered in ICU taking Sanvi in arm. She came near Sanskaar and sit beside him taking stool, machins beeping around him were mask attached in his mouth. Sanvi looking around with her big big eyes.

Swara looked towards Sanskaar who was unconscious, her hand reached towards his head, she carries his head slowly without her knowledge, her eyes went towards his eyes which had dark circles, tears rolled down from corner of eye's without her weel.

Small hand brushed on her tear which made come in her sense which made her realised she was crying, she removed her hand from his head. She looked towards sanvi who was brushing her hand on her cheeks which made her little smile.

"It's just I can't see anyone pain that is why this tears come and I don't believe in this marriage" she said to her heart.

Sanvi looked towards Sanskaar and she recognised him which made her smile. She leaned toward him but swara hold her.  she started wiggling in her arm and start shouting in her voice, getting defeated she put her beside him.

She crawl little to reach to his face which made swara suprised as it was her first time she crawled. She tried to sit but failed, she about to fall back swara hold her from behind.

She tap her little hand on his face and giggle but seeing his no movement she again tap his face but seeing same result she stop giggling. She bend towards him and brush her lips on his cheeks and clap her hand but not getting returns floppy kisses she start shouting tapping her hand on his face.

"People saying right that daughter always closed to their father and look at her she is copy of her father just looked like him same features" nurse smile seeing sanvis love for father.

Swara looked towards her daughter who was trying to wake him up. She always trying to understand why her daughter so much close to this men. She also have same features like him but there is no question of this answer. She tried to stop her but she started crying loudly which results Sanskaar breath got heavy, he started breathing heavily which made swara shock. She pic up sanvi were nurse called the doctor.

"Mrs Maheshwari you wait outside" Doctor start checking Sanskaar were he was still breathing heavily.

"Plz doctor let me stay" unknown tear form in her eyes looking towards Sanskaar.

"I can understand your situation Mrs Maheshwari but plz let us do our work" he said without looking her, she unwillingly went outside were sanvi still sobing in her arm while resting her head on her shoulder.

Swara waiting outside restless, she was again and again looking towards door as half an hour pass. Door got open and doctor came out, he smiled looking at her.

"Don't worry Mrs Maheshwari he is fine and he got conscious, you can meet him" Doctor gave her smile and went from there making her relief.

Swara entered inside hesitantly, she don't want to see him but still she wanted to confirm he is fine or not were Sanskaar sitting on bed taking support of backboard. He looked towards her and moved his gaze not wanting to see her. Swara went towards him and stand beside him.

"How are you??" She asked him hesitantly without looking at him.

"You may wished I should die but sorry I did not" Sanskaar said without emotions.

"I am not like you who wished someone death and I don't want you to die also seeing your father who was suffering without his mistake" swara said angrily.

Sanvi was playing with Swara mangalsutra, listening her Papa's voice she looked towards him and smiled. She extended her hand towards Sanskaar to hold her arm. Sanskaar looked towards Swara who was still holding her tight, Sanvi shout loudly and start wiggling in her arm.

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