part 11

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Swara open her  eyes feeling Sunray on her eyes.  She looks towards Sanskaar, who was sleeping again by holding her waist and Sanvi was sleeping quietly holding her T-shirt in her hand.

"Why he is holding my waist?" She slowly removed his hand were he struggle in shoulder. He encircled hand around sanvi in sleep.

Swara tried to get Sanavi in ​​his embrace, but he pulled her more closer, Sanvi kept her grip on his t-shirt more tightly Swara sighed seeing them.

"I can't understand them" she sigh and get up from the bed. She cover them with bedsheet properly.

In the kitchen
Swara working in the kitchen mean time Ram enter in the kitchen.

"Any thing you want?" Swara asked seeing Ram in the kitchen.

"I don't want anything I just come here to help you" Swara look towards Ram amusingly.

"Don't suprise I know cooking but Sanskaar don't let me cook" he make face.

"You know I love to cook but my family tradition "men does not enter in kitchen" that's why I don't got chance to  cook" he rolled his while telling.

"Can I ask you something?" Swara asked him hesitantly.

"You don't need  to take my permission to ask anything " Ram said cutting onion.

"I always taking rude to you but you alway talk to me politely" Swara look towards his face but still smile present on his face.

" Iknow why you are talking to me like this because you have a reason behind this which I can not refuse, but that does not mean that I will talk like thi she said completing his cutting Onion.

" You trust him blindly, you felt you may be wrong about your son" she continues.

" I trust him blindly, if he really did that crime he never met his eyes with me" he said smiling which amused her.

" Ahh" little scream come out from her mouth. She cut her finger while cutting Tomato.

"What you did ??can't you take care of yourself?? Now sit here" Ram scold her while making her sit on the chair.

"It's just small cut don't worry" she said listening his scolding.

"This is small cut?? See how much blood is coming" he came taking first aid kit from near by door.

"No nee..d" stop by scolding.

"Just shut up...I know you are my daughter in law but you are my daughter and who will see his daughter in pain" he said dressing her wound.

"If your mother in law had present then you had got more scolding from her" Ram said rolling his eyes.

Swara eyes filled with tear seeing his care as she never got care from his own father. Many time she fall but her father don't even bother to ask her how is she.

"Ohhh sorry I scold you too much??" He sees tears in her eyes were Swara just said no to her shaking her head in no.

"Them" Ram raised her eyebrows.

"You missing your father right??" Swara nod her head were Ram smile.

" Don't think you will get next time small scoldind, you will get more scolding from this if you can't take care your self" Ram said strictly were Swara smilingly nod her head.

"What I said now?" Ram said seeing her getting up.

"Sorry" Swara again sit quietly seeing his glare.

"Better" he get up from chair and make breakfast.

On dining table
Ram and Swara arrange breakfast on the tables were Sanskaar come downward as usual taking Sanvi in the arm were his daughter busy pulling his tie carefully.

" Again my daughter stick with him" she cures him in mind were Sanskaar sit on chair.

Swara went towards Sanskaar and take Sanvi who is looking at her extending her little hand towards her. She sit taking Sanvi in arm were Ram already sitting on chair.

Sanvi start pulling Swara blouse due to hunger, she immediately hold her hand.

"That's why she come to me" Swara shake her head seeing her daughter antic.

"Dad... Today I have to go hospital because Sanvi have vaccination" she said hesitantly.

"You take Sanskaar with you" Ram said putting bit in his mouth.

"No need dad I will go alone" Swara said holding Sanvi who was trying to free her hand.

"So you can meet your lover" Sanskaar said sipping black coffee.

"Sanskaar she is your wife now" Ram said angrily were Swara eyes filled with tears, Swara left from there taking Sanvi in arm.

"Sanskaar what is need of saying that..see she did not even have her breakfast" Ram angrily glared.

"So what can I do?? I don't tell her to go without doing breakfast" Sanskaar said getting up from chair.

"Send breakfast to my room ,if something happens to daughter in law then my father blame only me" he said to the servant who was standing beside him and left from there.

He came in the room and look towards Swara who is feeding Swara while wiping sitting on couch. Seeing Sanskaar immediately Cover herself properly were Sanskaar immediately look other side.

Sanskaar sit on the bed reading paper after closing door. Someone knock door so Sanskaar again walk towards door and open little ,he takes breakfast from servant and place breakfast on the table.

Swara finish her feeding and get up from the couch taking Sanvi in arm.

"Have your breakfast" he take long breath while seeing other side.

" I don't want" she said

"I did not ask you I said just eat" he said angrily.

"You can't force me" Swara gather some courage.

"I can do more then that you want to see" he take step towards her making her scare.

She silently sit on the couch taking Sanvi on lap who was busy to play with her mangalsutra. He look towards Swara who is  having difficulty having breakfast, his sight catch with her fingers which having dressing. He ignor her thinking why he care??.

He again look towards her who is still struggling. He went towards her and pic Sanvi in arm were Swara look towards him. He make Sanvi lie on bed putting Pellow both side so she can't fall.

He came back to Swara and sit beside her making her confused. He take small bit of paratha and forward towards Swara which make Swara shock. Swara about to say something but Sanskaar put bite in her mouth.

"Don't speak , I don't have whole day to sit here and make you eat" he said angrily were Swara silently eat thinking about his behaviour.

"Really he is bad or just trying to show me??" Question rise in her mind.

To be continued....

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