part 5

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Swara prepare breakfast , after arranging breakfast she left towards her room.

"Hope devil not get up.... I don't want to see his face" swara prayed before entering in the room.

She scan the room but sign in relief seeing sanskaar not present in the room. She heard sound coming from the bathroom.

"He is in bathroom" murdered swara under the breath.

Swara went towards sanvi who was busy in smiling on her own thought while throwing her legs and hand upward, smile spread on lips seeing her daughter smile.

"Enjoying without mumma" said swara smiling.

Listening her mummas voice sanvi immediately look towards her mumma and spread her little hand towards mumma so she can pic her.

"You want to come mumma " swara said picking her in arm while smiling.

Swara kiss her cheeks making little one giggle. Swara come down taking sanvi in arm were sanvi get busy playing  with magalsutrra. 

Sanskaar come out after taking shower. He knowingly or without unknowingly look towards sanvi.

"Good this little girl not present.... always staring" sanskaar said taking long breath.
Sanskaar come down wearing white shirt and black cort along with blank paint.
He travel his gaze on swara who was standing near dining table which make her enough feel disgust but is he looking at her??
Swara tight her grip on sanvi while making disgusting face. She feels disgust herself feeling his gaze.
"Good " he said himself looking towards sanvi who was busy with swara magalsutrra.
His concentration more on sanvi instead of swara who was now become his headchee. She made great effect on him in this two days only.

He take out chair and settle himself. He looks towards swara who was standing beside him.

"Should I give you invetition to serve, I don't bring you here to enjoy my money , your value in this house is not more than servants so remember " sanskaar shout angrily without looking at her  were swara nod with teary eyes. 

Sanvi recognised newly found father voice, she leaves magalsutrra and extant her little arm towards the sanskaar so he can pic her up.

Sanskaar glare her. Swara immediately hold her hand to stopping her. Sanvi sadly hide her face in swara neck

" She never want to go anyone then why she want to go him??" Swara said in mind angrily looking towards sanskaar who still looking towards her daughter in one eyes.

"Swara what are you doing ??" RAM said to the swara while settling on chair who trying to serve sanskaar  .

"Woo I " swara stammer seeing sanskaar who was angrily staring her so she keep quiet .

"Don't afraid to sanskaar,  you sit with us and have your breakfast " Ram said glaring sanskaar while passing her smile.

"Dad she is no one to us..she is new servant of this house" sanskaar said angrily while looking swara were she bow her head.

"She is your wife and my daughter in law don't forget " Ram said angrily listening his words.

"She is not my wife " sanskaar said denying

"Then why are  you  married her if you don't want to accept her?? Ram shout angrily making sanskaar shock because his dad never had shout on him.

"Dad because of her you are shouting on me great " sanskaar said angrily.

"Swara you sit here " Ram ignore sanskaar word not wanting to drag this topic which make sanskaar irritated.

Swara just watching Ram who was fighting for her to his own son. He was same person who she taunt before sometime .          
She don't know why he is fighting for her or only showing  but she feels little good at least someone fight for her because  own father never support her.

Swara sit silently beside Ram were sanvi still hiding her face in her neck.

"I am your grand father You want to come your dadu??" Ram said in baby voice while forwarding his hand towards sanvi were sanvi blink her eyes twice and turn her face other side .

"Sorry she don't go with anyone " swara said looking Ram while patting her back.

"Then what about me? ? Why she want came to me?? Mad girl " sanskaar said in mind while making faces .

"Wow swara breakfast is awesome... you know I get bored eating same breakfast everyday" Ram praised swara while eating as he never eat tasty breakfast .

"So this is gift for Your first Rasoi" Ram said forwarding some money.       

"I don't want " swara said denying

"Its my blessing beta...hope God always keep you happy " Ram said patting her head lovingly were swara smile fakely while taking money.

"Your son is enough for me to take my happiness " swara said in mind .

Ram left from there ignoring sanskaar which make sanskaar sad but he composed himself.

Sanskaar looks towards swara who was looking here and there accept him. He noticed something not present. He hold her hand and drag towards temple which make her shock.

Sanskaar take sindoor from temple and filled her hairline were swara closed her eyes. He pulled swara towards himself such that sanvi will not get hurt unknowingly taking care of sanvi who was present in swara's left right hand.

Sanskaar slide his hand around swara's bare waste pulling more towards himself making swara widen her eyes were she hold his shoulder from left hand.

"You want to fill your hairline daily from your husband  then ok "sanskaar said huskily near ear making her uncomfortable

"No.. n. . o. I forgot "said swara stammering while trying to come out from his grip feeling disgust with his touch.

"Don't worry I will remind you " sanskaar said tightening his grip on her waist.

"Plz live me " tears come out from her feeling helpless in his grip.

Seeing tears in her eyes he remove hand but feels pull in his coat, he looks down were his daughter never let chance to irritated with her antic.

Sanvi holding his coat in her small fist trying to getting his attention who was fighting with her mumma. Sanskaar raised his eyebrow while looking her which sanvi give him adorable smile.

Swara look towards her daughter who was holding sanskaar coat. She try to free her fist but she is not ready live.

"My shona live na" swara said crying were sanskaar just staring sanvi who was trying to her best not let his coat.

Finally swara get successful which make sanvi cry loud which sanskaar don't like unknowingly before sometime who was smiling now she is crying. Sanskaar left from there not wanting to listen her cry.

To be continued...


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