part 12

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Sanskaar sit on the driver seat were Swara sit on passenger seat taking Sanvi in a lap who was looking cute in baby pink frock. She lift her head and look towards the Sanskaar while extending little hand towards him.

"I will pic you later" he said kissing her cubby cheeks were Sanvi happily clap feeling his kiss.

Swara is standing taking Sanvi in arm were Sanskaar standing beside her. Nurse load injection in syringe.

"You are going to inject her" Sanskaar ask nurse immediately seeing injection in her hand.

"Yes"nurse reply giving warm smile.

"Are you mad ??she will cry" Sanskaar shout making nurse and Swara shock.

"But I have to sir" nurse said with little fear.

"You are not going to inject her" he takes Sanvi immediately from Swara.

"Sanskaar what are you doing??" Swara asked him angrily seeing his act.

"You shut up.. you don't know how pain it is??" He shout on her making her quite.

"There is no other option to give this stupid injunction" he asked looking towards nurse.

"No" she little stammer seeing his anger as he is ready to eat everyone in his anger.

"What type of useless docter have in this earth who can't find other way" he pour his anger that poor nurse.

"But it important to baby we can't skip" poor soul stammered were Swara can't able to utter word seeing his anger were other people just starring them.

"Sanskaar if this injection don't inject her may be she will face problem in future" Swara try to make him understand.

"Really??" He asked

"Yes" Swara and nurse take relief sign seeing him little clam.

"Doll it will pain you little don't cry ok" he kissed her cheek making her smile.

Sanskaar hug her tightly were nurse give her injection which make Sanvi cry loudly. She tightly hug Sanskaar while crying.

"Shhh my doll nothing happen" he angrily glare Swara and left from there.

"What I did??" Swara asked in mind.

"I am so sorry about him" Swara say sorry.

" It's ok I can understand, he just reacted because of his daughter but your daughter is so lucky that she got the father like him. He loves her lot" she said while smiling were Swara just hummed.

"All say na daughter are more close to father and your daughter carbon copy of your husband, she look same like him" she said making her shock.

Swara come out from hospital, she look towards Sanskaar who was trying to Stop her daughter who was crying in his arm.

Nurse word ring in her mind "Is she really lucky to have him as a father??" Her heart question her mind.

"What are you thinking Swara?? He never will be her father. Stop thinking stupid. Sahil is her father" her mind slapped her heart.

Swara went near them, sanskaar take out the mobile and open the mobile which was having sanvis photo on wallpaper which make Swara surprise.

"Doll see who is she??" Sanskaar said showing her photo trying to divert her mind.

She immediately stop crying and look towards her photo. Sanskaar kiss that photo to make her smile but she start beating that mobile with her tiny hand and hug him tightly. Sanskaar smile seeing her and place kiss her on forehead.

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