part 15

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Ram entered in the room, he looked towards swara who sitting near the bed while resting head on it, her eyes got dried due to continues crying. She was staring one place lost somewhere.

He felt bad seeing her like this as he love his daughter in law like his son. He sit beside her and cares her head lovingly. Swara looked towards him and hug him. She kept crying were Ram just carries her head to smooth her pain.

"Why dad he did with him? I love him dad" swara sob in his arm.

" I know swara you love him but don't blind this much that you can't see the truth. I understand your situation and I don't blame you also as I know if I present in your place I also behave like you." He continued were swara sit silently listening his heart.

"You know My son had got hope to prove himself innocent but now he again lost his hope. You know why he married to you ??" Ram looked towards swara who was looking towards him rising her head.

"As he hate Sahil??" She said in low voice.

"No, as he don't want you to trap again in Sahil plan" he about to continued but sanvi sleep got disturb. She start crying not finding anyone beside her.

"You see her I am going" Ram went from there.

" I don't know why I am getting bad vibes. I tried to call Sanskaar but he did not picking my phone, hope he is fine. Plz god protect my son" he took long breath to calm down his running heartbeat.

Swara and Ram got up from the floor. Swara went towards sanvi and pic her in arm patting her back to stop her crying but she did not stop. She sit on bed and feed her, after finishing she made her sleep. She made proper her dress.

Door got opened, Swara looked towards door, Sanskaar was standing taking support of door, his hair was messy were eyes become red. He stumbled as he tried to walk, he was drunk.

He looked towards swara and walked towards her even though he was stumbling. He stand infront of swara were she made disgusting face. He hold swara hand which made her shock, she try to free her hand but he hold it tightly.

"Shhh I will not harm you just sit with me??" He peld her through eyes.

She don't want to see his eyes which is showing pain but her heart not wanting to believe him even those She want to see his pain which will give her peace but being kind heart, some of corner she felt bad.

She followed him, he made her sit on bed and he also sit opposite to her.

"Can I put head in your lap??" He again peld through eyes but she kept quiet.

He again asked but this time he almost begged infront of her. His is really broken, he wanted someone to share his pain so his feel light. He drank to reduced his pain but it did not help him.

"Hmmm" she looked towards him not getting what to tell, she want to see his suffering but something have in his eyes that reach towards her heart breaking hatred.

He immediately lied in her lap immediately, he hold her palm and closed his eyes and took long breath. He again opened his eyes. Swara tried to remove her hand but he hold it tight. 

"You know seeing Sahil I got hope that I can prove myself innocent but again l lost my hope. It's killing me inside that I getting blamed which I don't did crime" tears rolled down from his eyes.

"You tell na why I will do that shit when I love her, she was already going to mine then why will I. This all done by Sahil and put blame on me trust me swara" Sanskaar peld her were swara tighten her fist to control her anger listening about Sahil. She wanted to shout on him but remain quite as something going in her mind.

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