part 13

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Sanskaar pov

I entered in room and saw Swara was crying sitting on floor, may be remembering her parents word were Sanvi sleeping on bed. I looked towards swara and went towards her and took sit beside her. I know it's not easy to listen parents word without any mistakes. I hate her as she loves Sahil but still I went towards her as family word hurt most.

"Why you raped Kavita Sanskaar??" She asked me were tears rolling from her eyes.

" I am really tired to telling everyone that I did not". It's now commen from me to listen this word, but still hurts me but I don't have any proof so I can proof myself innocent. I smiled sadly, I know she will not believe me but still I gave her answer. 

"If you did not do that day may be I had  be happy and Sanvi not away from her father" her voice filled with hatred but I don't have any choice without listening this bitter voice.

" If You had married Sahil then you never had happy  with him, he is bloody rapist" I said her angrily listening Sahil name but I know this will not work.

" Just stop it Sanskaar, don't put your sin to other" she shout angrily listening my word as he is innocent in her eyes.

" I know it's difficult to believed you but this is the truth, he puts all  blame on me "my eyes filled with tears thinking about Kavita.

" But she pointed towards you and told your name " she  looked towards the me  were her eyes filled with hatred.

" She did not take full name and also Sahil present beside me when she pointed " I defended myself.

"Then that marks, reports also wrong right" Swara asked me with statistics smile but I can't even blame her as she was telling which her eyes witness.

"Yes, this also done by Sahil" I said angrily.

"Stop it Sanskaar, stop blaming Sahil. Why can't you just accept it's done by you. It's you who responsible for everything " she shout and got up from placed and went out.

"I am not Swara" I shout angrily but who will listen my voice.

Soon room filled with crying voice, I turned myself to saw the doll. I got up from the floor and went towards her. I took sit beside her.  She immediately spread her hand towards me so I can pick her in arm. I picked her in arm and kiss her cuby cheeks which made her smile.

She brush her soft soft lips on my cheeks and smile. She is Sahil daughter whom I hate most  but don't know what she had in her that I always made me forget everything. She gave me something different types of feeling which I don't know myself.

I kiss her both eyes which having tears due to crying, she did same with me and laughed loudly clapping her hand which made me adore her. She placed her head on my chest and start crying again which made me shock.

"What happen doll??" I carried her head lovingly but she did not stop.

"May be due to hungry" I got up from the bed and walked towards the kitchen for asking milk from servent.

Sanskaar pov end

Swara POV

I had to listen just because of him whom I hate most. My parents already hate me but he made me more fall in their eyes. I don't know why he came to me when I was crying. I know he want to tell himself innocent but I know he is culprit and it never change. Once Sahil will fine then all will be ok.

I wiped my tears when I saw him comming in kitchen. I saw my daughter crying in his arm while clutching his shirt were he rubbing her back. I tried to take her from him but she hide her face in his chest. I tried to to pulled her but she started crying louder which made Sanskaar angry.

"Don't" He hold my hand and removed from sanvi who still hissing her face in his chest.

"She is my daughter" I angrily looked towards him were he gave me uninterested look.

"But now she don't want to came to you" he made me quite. I took long breath angrily and made carel. I gave it to him.

He made her eat were I angrily staring being jeoulos were Sanvi happily drinking with his hand. Its just some day she spends time with him but she is behaving like she knows him from birth which always made me think.

She extend hand after fulling her tummy. I took her in arm without saying anything. I am angry with her as she gave more important to him . I don't know what came in her mind that brush her lips on my cheeks and clap her hand happily. I looked towards her happily as she first time kiss my cheeks.

"My daughter First kiss me"  I don't know what came in my that I said to him, may be I want to say him that she loves me more.

"Your daughter already kiss me" he smrink me making me shock.

"Close your mouth or mosquito will ho in your mouth" he made upward my chin were I looked him angrily.

He start comming near me which made me shock, I start taking my step back which my back hit with kitchen slab. He put both hand on my either side which made me nervous.

"You are jelos as your daughter love me most and she kiss me before you" he smrink me and went from there. I catched my breath which I held because of his closeness.

I think he got to know that I want to show him that my daughter love me most but he gave me shock. She is my daughter how can she kiss him first. I stam my foot angrily.

"You are my daughter or his??" she looked towards me and clap her hand as I asked her some good question. I rolled my eyes seeing her antic.

To be continued. .

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